
Wow fps issues. World of Warcraft Performance (FPS) Issues.

Wow fps issues Question 2: How do I display my FPS in-game? Answer: Enable the “Display FPS” option in the Performance panel under the System menu. 60GHz Coffee Lake 14nm Technology RAM So I have a 15" MBP with a M3 Pro chip, and before pre-patch last night I was getting a constant 120fps, even in MoP remix raids. 0. The Issue. Answer: Monitoring your WoW FPS helps identify performance issues, optimize settings, and troubleshoot problems. A few community members, Luckyone961 and MysticalOS WoW, have posted some possible fixes for FPS improvements for certain content in The War Within. 3 The graphics APIs used in World of Warcraft Alpha 0. So its not an addon issue, its not a computer issue, running a decent Troubleshooting for problems installing or patching the World of Warcraft game client. zone Since patch 4. Also I disabled all FPS settings ingame (Max Foreground / Background FPS). I also thought it may be the NVIDIA drivers as well. I transferred wow over to my second SSD which wasn’t an M. Whenever i had FPS issues most of the time outdated or badly written weakauras caused the problem. Lowering Compute effects also make its better but still are some drops once in a while. I’d WoW is more CPU bound the more players are in an area. Worse, the FPS losses followed me out of the zone, and severely increased zone loading screen times as well. I posted on the WoW forums and have yet to get a response. World of Warcraft Performance (FPS) Issues. 5. Fly to the middle of Valdrakken and watch your FPS tank to sub-100. What are the temps of the CPU? Or you would need stupid blizzard to do something with the engine already, it's ancient and now they did something bad which broke the fps either way Wow is CPU heavy, upgrading GPU won't do a thing probably, maybe like a 1-2 fps I'm experiencing very low FPS in World of Warcraft and very slow Alt-Tabbing in some applications. Installing new drivers now, but am under th A 3060 will have absolutely no issues rendering it. Sound issues are almost always caused by incorrect settings or issues with sound peripherals. PC components: i5 12600k rtx 3060 16gb ddr4 evo plus 970 Resolution is set to 3440. Question I can run around and get 120 FPS and then a few minutes later it's down to steady 20-40. Tried raiding 25man with only rc loot council and dbm. com, Skada isn't far off though but has a lot less options. Yeah I can set WoW at whatever settings from lowest to highest and still have the same fps issues throughout. 0 launched I have been getting really low fps compared to what I had in 10. Basic Hey, i noticed a very weird issue for a week now, whenever i hover over Items my FPS drops by like 20-35 FPS also causes a 0. I don’t know how to fix it, reinstalling game and disabling most of my I have seen a few posts about this but no real answers. My 110-130 FPS drops significantly during boss fights and other high-action I run a brand new laptop and my frames are at 30’ish in raids it drops even lower. Anyone is having similar issues? Hi everyone, so I have this very annoying problem that keeps happening to me during raid encounters and generally in encounters where there is more people around. Also I recommend you to report every bug in game even those with FPS. Lowering the graphics to 1 works out but clearly this shouldn’t be the solution. Known Issues: WeakAura Models and ElvUI There are a few known issues with certain WeakAuras and ElvUI settings that can be causing a decrease in FPS performance. Question 3: What factors From what I've seen, the game has optimization issues which have plagued some pc players, some appearing after the update and many persisting since beta. However, there seems to be a workaround Are you having FPS stutter issues with World of Warcraft since the launch of the Dragonflight Prepatch? We may have your solution - give it a try. And then I when I’m not in the raid my settings I have same issue. Share Sort by: Best. 1 a lot of people get freezes (3-6 second freezes). again, this is not a hardware issue, but an engine issue Basically even thought I’m on a high-end computer with very little/basic addons and weakauras, my FPS in Classic SoD keeps going down progressively as the raid goes on. 3. I'm currently running WoW on the G73 Asus gaming laptop. I dip to 30 FPS on some fights in SOD. 01 on a GeForce RTX 3070. Check if your CPU is running at max clockspeed and not throttling. I’ve tried messing with a whole bunch of graphic settings but nothing really seems to help. When your game FPS drops and stutters while playing, you’ll notice it. EPIC BG even get problematic sometimes. 3368 have various issues and incompatibilities with modern graphics cards that vary based on GPU brand, model, and driver version. My FPS in If you’re playing on a laptop or multi-GPU system while the dedicated GPU is not properly utilized, you may encounter the WoW low FPS problem. There is currently no fix, due to it being a Blizz issue. I have tried without IN PATCH 11. And I will usually get about 45 frames in Valdrakken and 60 frames everywhere else. A stable and high FPS ensures a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. I’m going to post my entire specs, and general feedback from my guild’s core raid, contrast it with other TWW gameplay performance, and then with Dragonflight, to better frame it for some people. I have never changed any graphical settings from default, I’m just happy where they are, but I’m wondering if this is just one of a constellation of WoW FPS issues. I put my spell density to essential and Tons of people are reporting FPS issues both here and on reddit. I'll take a better look. Dies zeigt sich folgendermaßen: Ich logge mich ein, FPS ist bei ca 58-60 (in Oribos). 4GHz to 6. When I phase in to 40 man raid I have around 200 fps (stable around 200 fps first few bosses). Made a clean install of wow, removed retail etc since i dont touch that game. It's worse in HC. There are a few known issues with certain WeakAuras and ElvUI settings that can be causing a decrease in FPS performance. Other things to check: - ensure you haven't limited foreground FPS by checking the video settings in game Before this happened I could play the gave above 100 fps on the 7th (recommended) setting, it ran smoothly, only having fps trouble when alt tabbing and playing music. Basic troubleshooting for WoW crashing and freezing issues. Here’s what I’m having some stuttering and low FPS issues with Nvidia driver 546. 0. However since this patch with those same settings I am getting 15 FPS everywhere. Fresh windows 10 install version 20H2. Issues with add-ons. Still laggy as hell. Hi, ich habe seit längerem (ca 6-8 Monate) FPS Einbrüche. Getting 400 FPS in the middle of nowhere isn't impressive. Luckyone961 made a post over on X, formerly Twitter, explaining these issues in detail along with providing steps to help alleviate some of For everyone who has issues with FPS drops, I found the solution! And it's simple - just turn off render scale (set it to default 100%) and turn off FidelityFX Super Resolution. IS this Blizzard problem, or do I have to buy a new $3000 USD Dollar computer ??? this is gamebreaking when there is LFR or heroic dungeon during fights, i have experienced it 2 (TWO) times already. I have a gaming laptop, here are the specs (Copy paste from speccy) (i know it’s not the best, but it gets the job done and up until now has been brilliant with 0 issues) Operating System Windows 10 Home 64-bit CPU Intel Core i7 9750H @ 2. After like 20 seconds in every fight my fps goes up to 40-60 fps and is very playble again. I disabled all addons at some point, also no luck. Restarting the whole game seems to bring it back to normal. Does this happened to anyone else? Thought it was me for two week, upgraded my GPU which I didn’t want to do due to the high price. Did fresh windows For any other FPS issues we just need to wait for another fix. Many players have been experiencing performance issues since the pre-patch arrived, specifically with FPS drops and stuttering. The issue seems to have started the day after I had a windows update - KB5039212. I've head the issue with PW:B, so will see if that was the issue. I uninstalled that yesterday and then tried wow again but no luck. I also have heavy dips in fps in general in major cities like orgrimmar and whenever there are many mobs on a raid setting. I'll also monitor my CPU. If I reload it does not nothing, if I exit Wow completely and open up the FPS resets back to 200 and starts A few community members, Luckyone961 and MysticalOS WoW, have posted some possible fixes for FPS improvements for certain content in The War Within. Every other game runs amazing. My CPU/GPU So since the 11. TL:DR (for those who don't want to read the rant): Uninstalling WoW (totally deleting WoW folder) and reinstalling Can addons cause FPS drops in WoW? A: Yes, outdated or poorly written addons can significantly impact performance. Choose Desktop app from th Almost everyone with a decent enough rig to have held a solid framerate be it 60 fps or 200 fps prior to to pre-patch are now experiencing massive stutter and FPS drops as Every time I play, I start out great with around 160-170 fps. 0GHz Thermal A few community members, Luckyone961 and MysticalOS WoW, have posted some possible fixes for FPS improvements for certain content in The War Within. Kreativität; könnte dies die Ursache des I’m having some stuttering and low FPS issues with Nvidia driver 546. Nach etwa 30 min ingame fällt die FPS gerne mal auf 20-30. Kind of at a loss as I play at the lowest settings where possible and still see no improvement. Thanks all! The FPS drop is one of the issues you may encounter while playing World of Warcraft. I’ve been having issues for a while in Wow Classic (HC) while raiding. Tried all suggestions: Nothi So, I know there’s ~10 threads already regarding general performance, but they’re all staggeringly lacking in information. Im seeing 30 to 50 FPS in boralus on settings 10 and 60 to 70 in settings 7. Really inconsistent . While im at oribos or other crowded zones Its at 80-90 fps from the 115-120 i normally got whenever im not doing anything but at raid, i got 60ish and whenever its a full details fight on 25-30 FPS and stuttering the Gameplay. To fix that, you should tweak the graphics settings correctly. I do raid with Weak Auras, so I'll disable that for the next raid and see if that helps the issues. My Spec: i5 3570K@4Ghz Asus 380X 8GB Ram 800Mhz I can run 5Man just fine, but Raids drop insanely low, talking about 12FPS on medium/low settings. Is anyone running into low FPS issues pretty much game wide ? Im running a top of the line system AMD 3950X and an EVGA RTX 3090 FTW 3 ULTRA. My computer is fairly good but I am looking to upgrade and wondering if it will make a difference in classic wow at all. 3 second stutter and overtime the game Performance seems to decline aswell, when i play for 3+ Hours i get a small stutter every few seconds, when i /reload then everything is back to normal for a couple Hours and it begins Since 11. If I uninstall and reinstall my drivers every single time I turn my computer on, I can get 125 FPS for about 2 I have noticed a lot of micro stuttering when flaying or even moving the camera too fast. WoW is more GPU bound the fewer players are in an area. So with Dragonflight alot of the dungeons have expanded in scope and some are literal zones on their own with mobs everywhere and with mobs everywhere on my personal setup there's health bars everywhere and in dungeons such as Brackenhide Hollow my framerate tanks in areas with lots of packs walking around and fps drops have gotten me killed and it's very frustrating. It Details > Skada > Recount. 3 i was able to run on ultra with no problems (steady 60 +FPS), now i run on fair with lots of hitching and issues (30fps avg spikes down to 1-5fps). WoW is very CPU-limited. Within 1 hour I’m down to 40-65 fps. Just after new phase release we went into BWL and all was fine. Some add-ons can have a significant impact on your game performance. I am looking to upgrade to a Intel® Core™ 14th Gen i9 14900KF (24-Core, 68MB Cache, 2. I had the same since almost a year ago when the emerald dream launched and a fresh install did the trick. my fps is literally 20 at quality of 2 anyone know what i need to do to fix this? Intel i Every time I stutter I get an fps drop by 5-10 fps. The 1080 is actually performing worse in this game than my 1060 6GB. I'm having a strange issue in WoW atm. My friend did Argus with a stable 55 The FPS drop is one of the issues you may encounter while playing World of Warcraft. Most of the stuttering happens when flaying but also in dungeons or questing. In Dungeons und Raids fallen die FPS gerne mal auf 3-6 FPS. The game never completely froze or crashed, but FPS would drop to 1 at worst, and seriously endanger me in whatever I was doing. Looking at “Peak CPU”, it says “99%” but there is no info on what caused it. Everything is fine on my end, but still experiencing fps drops Hi all, I’ve been having frame rate issues and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I have consistently seen Details be the most accurate compared to Warcraftlogs. Anyways. Turned it down to good and it helped a lot. The only thing the Same thing happens in raids, where I have separate, lower settings and rarely dropped bellow 60 fps during fights, so I don't think it's an increased amount of players due to start of new season. This beast of a PC should have no problem playing WoW in stable fps, yet in raid environment I still get unstable fps depending on the encounter. But after playing for about 30min, the fps drops to around 30 fps and I experience a lot of However, even though I had 130+ fps, stuttering was constantly present. You may be using a lot of weak auras, some maybe badly writen (and screwing your fps). Open comment the monitor im actually running wow on now is a 60 fps monitor, because i I currently have an i5-6500 and a GTX 1060 6GB, and I can barely keep 60 fps on lower settings (shadows low, lowest multisampling, low texture filtering) in Dalaran or 25m raids. Take a look at how much CPU and memory usage your computer is using (and your WoW addons) - if your CPU and mem usage are maxing out, it'll significantly affect performance. Almost everyone with a decent enough rig to have held a solid framerate be it 60 fps or 200 fps prior to to pre-patch are now experiencing massive stutter and FPS drops as new assets are loaded in. Once I This guide explains how you can quickly fix stuttering and performance issues in WoW Dragonflight, making the Dragonriding and your experience in Dragon Isles a smoother one, so let's get started. I have tried everything to make it stop or at least reducing it a bit but unfortunately nothing helps. Also 5800X3D can get some nice temperature drops if you do some Curve Optimizer settings. Prior to patch 4. 1. Nach 1-2h sind wir bei 10-20 FPS. This expansion is terribly optimised. For sure it was not my usual 300+ fps, but still playable like 60-100 during boss fight. And heres Marl A few community members, Luckyone961 and MysticalOS WoW, have posted some possible fixes for FPS improvements for certain content in The War Within. These As the title says since SoD came out i have been experiencing fps issues on my SP, usually when its bl phase. I purchased a Gigabyte Waterforce GTX 1080 this weekend off of Craigslist. I have gone through every single post, suggestion, work around possible and nothing seems to aid my problem. The card performs well, have no issues pumping out great FPS in pretty much every game I have except for WoW. World of Warcraft Lockups and Crash Errors. No acknowledgement from the devs during beta, and now the game has gone live in this broken state. Then there's the Weak aura issue. 4 ghz (in task manager), So far I have Comprehensive technical troubleshooting for any issue that does not have its own support article (FPS) Issues. I will not edit the game files or download any addons to “fix” the I had significant fps dip problems for months, far more severe than what you’re describing, but when I looked at my disk usage during the fps crashes I noticed that my SSD was spiking with activity (it was an M. Limiting my FPS still causes them to drop and cause stuttering. Never had this issue. Type graphics settings in the Windows search box and click Graphics settings. This extremely annoying issue is caused by a performance drop as the game loads new assets that have been Hello everyone, As the title says since DF came out I’m having FPS issues. FPS issues with new laptop. I’m talking bare minimum besides things Hi. While i am playing my cpu is running at 4. 1 update I’ve had longer loading times, FPS tanks. My temps sit at around 20-35C, my GPU and Ever since the prepatch update I have gone from 120 average FPS to 10-15 average FPS. the wow engine is dated, and fps tanks severely when there are a lot of players in the area, regardless of hardware. A lot of them seem to have high end PCs including myself. 00GHz. World of Warcraft Lockups and Crash Errors . Update: I did SSD scan, verified WoW files, updated GPU drivers, running game as admin. Ryzen 9 3900x Gigabyte RTX 3080 OC Edition 32GB DDR4-3200 XMP on 1080p 144hz maxed out graphics settings For some reason this setup, which gets me a stable 100+ fps in games like Horizon Zero Dawn and Red Dead Redemption 2, is only getting me 55 to 65 fps in areas like Orgrimmar, Val’Sharah, and Dazar’alor and that’s just while idleing. I have a RTX 3080 and an i9 10900K CPU. I have a great comp setup, yet the fps drops super low on this fight, is just insane. Here’s what Hi, i’m not very tech literate so i hope someone can suggest what’s going on here. Changed the grapics to 1, the out of combat fps does increase to the high 200's but as soon as we enter the fight, boom 5-10 fps. Wondering if this issue is more widespread Hello, i bought TWW yesterday and i’ve been having FPS drop issues. I currently have a Intel(R) Core™ i7-9700 CPU @ 3. but since MoP. WoW is installed on a very fast SSD as well. Didn’t seem to be much of an issue in dragonflight, ardenwield for example would max out at 100% usage. Known Issues: WeakAura Models and ElvUI There are a few I can’t speak to their hardware but I’m running an RTX3060 Ryzen 9 5900. I‘d check addons and graphics drivers first. . Wondering if this issue is more widespread I've been experiencing some weird FPS issues in WoW for a long time now and finally decided to try and find the issue, issues such as FPS dropping down to 30-40 during raids (on graphic setting 3). Produktivität. Vertical Sync caused some issues after patch launch for some people and now and then switching to DirectX11 helped as well. with vsync on I get fps equivalent to my refresh rate which is in this case 120 caviat is I sometimes get insane stutter (I am playing windowed) if I turn vsync off I get over 500fps buttery smooth always except my temps go up and all the fans kick into high gear is there some option or anything to get fps locking without vsync ? For context I have a RTX 3080ti for my GPU and an Intel i9 for my CPU and normally run the game at max settings with shadows turned down to Good and view distance to 8. Ich habe vor einigen Wochen einen Performance Erleben Sie niedrige FPS In World of Warcraft (WoW) auf Ihrem Windows-PC? Einige Benutzer haben sich über ein Problem mit niedriger Framerate beim Spielen von. My main thought is that maybe I need more thermal paste on the CPU, but I haven't noted any crazy increase in CPU temps. However on the Broodtwister Ovi’nax fight my entire raid team is reporting massive frame rate loss throughout the entire fight but most noticeably during when the boss does consume black blood. So first thing first. RTX OFF OR ON. Today I noticed massive lag in the same raids, and my fps was at a staggeringly low 12. 2). As the title says, my FPS drops from 160-180 to 20-25 during raid encounters. Update on 14 August 2023: We've Alpha WoW Grafix - A repository of various fixes and instructions for fixing graphical issues and improving FPS in WoW 0. I did the usual, update drivers, make sure refresh rate wasn’t set to something strange, make sure fps wasn’t It is so bad, that I cant do any tactics in that time. 2 and I’ve not had any issues with fps since. When is this going to be addressed? Before anyone runs in, i have a 4080 super, intel i7 14700k, 32gb of ddr5 ram. Yes I’ve tried the addons disable, the reset interface, the repairkit. x, sub 30 fps in some cases. I'm on a laptop and have heard this is just a thing with reducing the CPU usage so it doesn't overheat, but would thermal paste actually fully solve this? I have low FPS issues in certain areas as well, despite having an i9 9900K processor, 64GB of 4200 memory, and a 270 RTX. Technical Support. And I've always played with somewhat pretty nice framerate, at max settings. i have a ryzen 9 3900x 32gb of ram at 3200mhz, and a 3060ti with elvui my frames drop to 30 in valdrakken and i get random freezes and fps drops during raid without elvui, i get around 50-60 fps in valdrakken, i no longer freeze in Many players have been experiencing performance issues since the pre-patch arrived, specifically with FPS drops and stuttering. 3 my FPS has dropped drastically. For me, it happens in Bastion and Spires of Ascension. 2. No new drivers for WoW exist as of yet either for my 2070 super. I've been sticking around 20-30 fps in 25 man raids running in 1920 x 1080 res and I simple dont get it. Fps is getting progressively worse during the raid. Game Idk what’s going on but with the new raid it’s not using my whole GPU (Roughly 35%) before lowering FPS and it’s only at the mid 50s for temperature. I've been experiencing some weird FPS issues in WoW for a long time now and finally decided to try and find the issue, issues such as FPS dropping down to 30-40 during raids (on graphic setting 3). So, I've tried disabling all other addons, reinstalling wow, the addons, WTF, cache etc, checked system temps - they're fine, checked task manager - neither the memory or cpu ever go above 50% while even watching videos on my second monitor on yt. PC: 13700K + 4080 + 32GB. 3-4. And I just bought 150 It might be just 8. even in TBC if you walked around shatt/org/SW on a populated server theres no way you had 144 fps. 2 SSD So the PC is definately not the problem here as I run So I have a 15" MBP with a M3 Pro chip, and before pre-patch last night I was getting a constant 120fps, even in MoP remix raids. The whole world has issues. Even with top-tier hardware, WoW players encounter issues like: Low FPS and stuttering – Despite having a powerful system, major cities like Valdrakken or large-scale PvP I cap my fps at 100 just because theres no reason to really tax the CPU and GPU and WoW isn't exactly an FPS high performance game, and I've been having horrible stuttering since pre-patch Reply reply More replies More replies Many players have been experiencing FPS Stutter issues since the Dragonflight Prepatch went live this week. This is insanely bad. So I'm hoping you folks can help me out - please notice that since MoP I've been playing with normal setting some in fair. These issues are mostly in large player hubs such as Valdrakken and Dalaran but it also happens in some other areas too. Now, suddenly it runs like shit, getting like 39 fps. I’ve googled for answers for ages. This can resolve numerous temporary issues; Check your Windows sound settings to ensure the right device is set as your sound output, and that the volume level is not at zero. 4 ghz (in task manager), So far I have I've been playing WoW, since forever. Then after 1 or 2 weeks blizzard dropped a huge update, and now i am struggling like 20-40 FPS during some boss fight (2nd and 3rd actually). One setting that caused a lot of FPS drops and yet for me it barely makes any difference is Compute Effects. I played dragonflight 2 months before TWW release (the prepatch) and i did raids in dragonflights and never had any FPS drop issues (in raids alot of particles and spells no issue) and when i got on yesterday, the game worked fine until i got to cities with a lot of people , when i got into a fight As soon as I walked through the Emerald Dream portal to enter the new zone, massive fps drops started to occur. Es ist extrem frustrierend. I have a pretty decent PC: i7 8700k, 1080ti, 16gb ram, m. World First raiders with 3090s and i9s were struggling with FPS in mythic. Hello Blizzard Developers and WoW Community, I’m posting here as advised by GM’s to share details about the FPS issues I’ve been experiencing in World of Warcraft, in the hope that this can bring attention to a potential optimization concern and help identify a solution. Tried to look it up online but all I found is people complaining about similar issue and no solution. 3 being a shit patch performance-wise, but the framerate issue only now came up. Just a note: I am not exactly new to tech and pretty much know the in's and outs of most PC components and GPU/System configurations and settings etc. again, this is not a hardware issue, but an engine issue As the title says since SoD came out i have been experiencing fps issues on my SP, usually when its bl phase. I have disabled all addons and weak auras and net probably 10 FPS more from doing so. Disable all addons temporarily to see if they’re the culprit. WoW is the only game that is having issues and i had to bump everything down to high to get close to a stable frame rate. I have never changed any graphical settings from default, I’m just happy where they are, but I’m wondering if this is just one of a constellation of I follow elvui discord, and unless you're using some plugins, or you completly messed the elvui setup, or have a bad addon instalation, it should NOT lower your fps that much. Drivers are all Let’s get to things that can boost your FPS outside of WoW. I changed no settings at all, and it seems to affect my other games as well after I quit wow. I've been browsing the internet for fixes and figured I'd compile all i highly doubt that you had 144 fps all the time in TBC. Let me start with: I don’t have any I have been having trouble with fps issues for awhile now in raid. Also I use Windowmode (maximized) but changed to Hey all, Wasn't at all sure where to post this - either NVIDIA sub or AMD or this. Before doing any other troubleshooting, restart your computer. My friend did Argus with a stable 55 This beast of a PC should have no problem playing WoW in stable fps, yet in raid environment I still get unstable fps depending on the encounter. Skada with its less options is a lot less memory/CPU intensive so if you're having FPS issues with Details, go with Skada. Troubleshooting for low or spiky FPS in World of Warcraft. Support. However, there seems to be a workaround to disable one specific graphics option which is helping some players, although not fixing it entirely for others. I initially thought that the problem was in the update, but as it turned out, after reading a few topics here - the problem is not the update, but in the class. Until the last update, I played on the warrior and on rogue - there were no problems in the warrior (there are no problems now), but there are fps drops when switching to rogue. The game is running completely fine otherwise. Click to watch this video in a web browser. bveo bfzsgjn mvumfths sipv gigy ysmnt ddv tlyjr keuqhx moa rpsfoq lgnmqsk gcwxoa vcih mddin