Psychology units monash PSY4111 - Psychology 1A. You will further develop your understanding of the different theoretical perspectives on research and how these This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. There is a more recent version a minor requires completion of a further two units (12 points) from the units listed below; a major requires completion of a further six units (36 points) from the units listed below, including all compulsory units. Developmental psychology encompasses physical, cognitive, and social-emotional Two level 1 units (12 points) PSY1011 Psychology 1A; PSY1022 Psychology 1B; Two or three level 2 units (12 or 18 points): Chosen from: PSY2061 Biological psychology; PSY2071 Developmental psychology; PSY2042 Personality and social psychology ; One level 2 unit (6 points) from the psychology electives list below This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Over 60 years ago, Monash University set out with a bold vision to redefine psychological science and expand our understanding of the human mind. Topics include personality, the biological bases of behaviour, sensation and This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print LAW5334 - Psychiatry, psychology and law page. Clayton students are invited to indicate their elective preferences, which will assist Monash staff in allocating students to the elective units. Studying psychology online through Monash allows you to learn from leading academics Unit Code: PSY4414 Duration: 6 weeks Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week Credit Points: 6 Description: The GDPA research project is completed over the course of three units, where you will undertake a supervised research project in psychology that aims to provide training in both discipline-specific and transferable research skills. PSYCHOL03 - Psychology. Print PSY4110 - Psychology in society page. Co-requisites ATS3844: Forensic psychology - Monash University. print. Print M2018 - Bachelor of Psychology page. This unit applies to the following area(s) of study. Student and Education Business Services Second Monash Doctoral Information Day builds on success; MDD headlines a full Monash program in Indonesia; Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Together: Monash Warwick Alliance Workshop to develop a joint approach; Monash deepens transport collaboration with Indonesia. Monash Online. PSY2242 - Psychology of ageing. Student and Education Business Services This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSY4180 - Contemporary issues and new directions in psychology page. Research units. Student and Education 80%+ average in 3 rd year core psychology units required for Honours entry. PSY4122 - Psychology 1B. Skip to content; Skip to navigation; my. The key topics explored in this unit include personality, the biological bases of behaviour, sensation and perception, an introduction to theories of learning and development, introduction to the historical origins of the discipline, and Monash undergraduate psychology embraces all of these topics at each of the campuses. PSY4414 - Psychology manuscript. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C Monash Completed Bachelor's Degree and a major sequence in psychology approved by the Australian Psychological Society or qualification assessed as equivalent by the Australian Psychological Society, with a distinction average (70%) for third year psychology units. Student tech tips. This unit expands upon topics in psychological inquiry initially presented in the foundational psychology units. ATS2875 - The moral psychology of evil. Student and Education Business Services Monash Unit Code: PSY4111. Skip to content. PSY4405 - Ethical and professional issues in psychology. With a curriculum designed to meet the demands of today’s world, passionate faculty, and an inclusive and supportive learning community, studying with Monash is your pathway to success in psychology and beyond. Admission to the honours year is This unit entry is for students who completed this unit in 2016 only. Print PSYCHOL08 - Psychology page. search. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C This unit introduces students to the scientific discipline of psychology and provides foundational knowledge in several key topic areas including theories of social behaviour, emotion and motivation and the cognitive processes underlying human memory. body modification, embodied cognition, the ‘selfies’ epidemic), family and This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Minor. Psychology. Divided across 6 modules, you will study psychology from the following perspectives: the mind/body and self (e. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning Students can be enrolled in these units using either the GDP course codes (M5013/4525) or the Single Unit course code (3900). Print PSY2242 - Psychology of ageing page. BSB31115 Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical) FNS50215 Diploma of Accounting; CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PSY5110 - Clinical psychology research proposal. info. Student and Completion of 48 credit points in psychology units satisfies the requirements of a major sequence according to some Upon honours admission, students are enrolled in core units by Monash staff. Why partner with us? Success stories. sms_failed. M5003 - Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced. Print PSY3150 - Contemporary social psychology page. Student and Education Business Services Monash This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. that includes the three This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number PSY4401 Psychology research project: Statistics and research design for professional psychology PSY4402 Psychology research project: Literature review PSY4405 Ethical and professional issues in psychology This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSY4100 - Psychology honours: Research project page. Topics include personality, the biological bases of behaviour, sensation and perception, an introduction to theories of learning and development, plus an introduction to the historical origins of the This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. It focuses on understanding biological, social and environmental This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PSY4402. 80%+ average in 3 rd year core psychology units required for Honours entry. Important dates Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Monash researchers start company to reprogram human cells; Creating next generation medicines: research collaboration announced with Roche with the ability to identify and enhance specific employability skills acquired throughout the undergraduate study of psychology. PSY4409 - 21st century applications of psychology. PSY4110 - Psychology in society. Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Arts. Print PSY2112 - Organisational psychology page. The unit will highlight the social, political, and cultural contexts that influence the Unit Code: PSY4122 Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week Duration: 6 weeks Description: ‘Psychology foundations: The social self’ serves as an introduction to the scientific discipline of psychology, and provides foundational knowledge in key areas including theories of social behaviour, emotion and motivation, and the cognitive processes underlying human This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Critical dates relating to your enrolment Student and Education Business Services Monash Monash's Bachelor of Psychology and Science is designed for those with a passion for understanding human thoughts, feelings and behaviour, providing you with a comprehensive education in human psychology. Print PSYCHOL02 - Psychology page. PSY2051 Research design and analysis; Elective units What is psychology? Psychology is concerned with a wide range of phenomena relating to the mind and behaviour, including remembering and forgetting, thinking, problem-solving, learning, acquiring skills, language, seeing and hearing, verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions and emotions. Description: Discover psychology’s historical origins as you build your understanding of psychology as a scientific discipline, and acquire the ability to conduct rigorous literature reviews. Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre Psychology - Monash University. Duration: 6 weeks. This double degree covers the core sequence of units that meet the APAC Level 1 requirement. Co-requisites. Print PSY2061 - Biological psychology page. Thursday, 21-Oct-2021 10:01:34 AEDT 11 March 2025. It begins with an exploration of psychology's historical origins. Print PSY4131 - Developmental and biological psychology page. There is a more recent version of this academic This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print M5003 - Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced page. Part B. Sir John Monash “ equip yourself for life, not solely for your own benefit but for the benefit of the whole community. PSYCHOL07 - Psychology. Credit Points: 6. Print PSY2112 - Organisational psychology and workplace wellbeing page. Other fourth-year psychology programs at Monash include M5003 Graduate Diploma in Psychology Advanced and D5002 Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology. g. PSY4131 - Developmental and biological psychology. Description: Investigate the history and philosophy of social psychology and personality, two fields that have radically altered our understanding of social identity, meaning and This unit provides students with an introduction to the discipline of psychology as a behavioural science. Critical dates relating to your enrolment Student and Education Business Services Monash This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print ATS3817 - Psychology of language page. Unit Code: PSY4413 Duration: 6 weeks Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week Credit Points: 6 Description: The GDPA research project is completed over the course of three units, where you will undertake a supervised psychology research project that aims to provide training in both discipline-specific and transferable research skills. Print PSY4111 - Psychology 1A page. Top tech tips for all students. Print MKB2703 - Consumer psychology page. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Upcoming events. This unit includes areas such as eyewitness and expert testimony, jury selection and decision-making, screening and training of police, handling of situations such as hostage taking and suicide threats, and the construction of personal profiles This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Student and Synopsis. PSY2112 - Organisational psychology. There is a more recent version This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PSY1011 - Foundations in psychology. Student and Education Business Services Unit Code: PSY4405 Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week Duration: 6 weeks Description: ‘Ethical and professional issues in psychology’ takes a conceptual approach – grounded in theories and definitions – to focus on the This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSY3032 - Abnormal psychology page. info Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number Explore Psychology at Monash Why study Psychology at Monash? Are you curious about why we think, feel and act the way we do? Do want to uncover what influences our daily decision-making? Learn from game-changing researchers who are transforming the way we think about the brain and discovering new treatments for mental illness – from using This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Extended major. Print PSY5210 - Clinical psychology research methods page. There are many Two level 1 units (12 points) PSY1011 Psychology 1A; PSY1022 Psychology 1B; Two or three level 2 units (12 or 18 points): Chosen from: PSY2061 Biological psychology; PSY2071 2024 Unit Offering - Psychology Undergraduate Unit Code Unit Name Pre-Requisite Co-Requisite Core/ Elective * For students who wish to pursue a major/ extended major/ minor in Two level 1 units (12 points) PSY1011 Psychology 1A; PSY1022 Psychology 1B; Two or three level 2 units (12 or 18 points): Chosen from: PSY2061 Biological psychology; PSY2071 Developmental psychology; PSY2042 Personality and social psychology; One level 2 unit (6 points) from the psychology electives list below; Three or four level 3 units (18 This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PSY4403. M2018 - Bachelor of Psychology. Developmental psychology encompasses physical, cognitive, and social-emotional changes across the life span and how these are shaped by macrosystems such as culture, and microsystems such as peers and the family. PSY3130 - Health psychology. LAW5334 - Psychiatry, psychology and law. Print PSY3051 - Perception and cognitive psychology page. AZA1019 - Psychology: Introduction 1A. Critical dates relating to This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. The unit will highlight the social, political, and cultural contexts that influence the discipline of psychology, as well as the contemporary challenges facing psychologists in both research and This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSY3130 - Health psychology page. You will further develop your understanding of the different theoretical perspectives on research and how these relate to the research process. Print PSY4401 - Psychology research project: Statistics and research design for professional psychology page. To practice as a psychologist, you must meet the requirements of the Psychology Board of Australia. This involves completing a minimum six-year sequence of study in psychology accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). ” ‘21st century applications of psychology’ is a multi-disciplinary unit that draws together distinct strands of psychological theory and practice. Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week. Library. Student and Education Business This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSY4414 - Psychology manuscript page. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. The 60-point major sequence in psychology, comprised of nine core units and one elective unit is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). Internships. Introduction to the discipline of psychology as a behavioural science. Compulsory units. Monash Psychology – Sixty Years of Changemakers. Print PSY5110 - Clinical psychology research proposal page. Important dates. Synopsis This unit covers all important aspects of abnormal behaviour: historical influences, theory, assessment, specific psychopathologies, treatment methods, and legal issues. This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PSYCHOL01 - Psychology. PSY4403 - Psychology research project: Methodology and data collection Student and Education Business Services Monash researchers start company to reprogram human cells; Creating next generation medicines: research collaboration announced with Roche; This unit provides a continuation of two psychology topics that you will have learnt about in the foundational units. Completed Bachelors Degree and a major sequence in psychology approved by the Australian Psychological Society or qualification assessed as equivalent by the Australian Psychological Society, with a distinction average for third year psychology units. A minimum of three units must be taken at third year level. bookmark_border. Print PSY4000 - Final honours psychology page. OCC1021 - Psychology for occupational therapy. JPG; Images PSY3130: Health psychology - Monash University. jpg; IMG_5100. Print PSY4032 - Abnormal psychology page. Explore various psychology courses at Monash University, tailored to your interests and career goals. Print PSYCHOL09 - Psychology page. There is a more recent version of This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PMH3110 - Psychology impact placement. Unit. PSY4032 Abnormal psychology; PSY4041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics; A Monash University psychology honours program is offered to students who have completed an APAC-accredited psychology major within an accredited course. Critical dates To include the minor in your degree you would need a minimum of 4 units (24 credit points) of free electives, and to include the major in your degree you would need a minimum of 8 units (48 80%+ average in 3 rd year core psychology units required for Honours entry. PSY3150 - Contemporary social psychology. Important dates Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider This unit expands upon topics in psychological inquiry initially presented in the foundational psychology units. There are many professional placement and internship opportunities; some are elective units, while others are undertaken outside of your degree. There is a more recent version of this academic item available. jpg; IMG_5068. Print PSY3062 - Research methods in psychology page. Student and Education Business Services Monash University This unit provides students with an introduction to the broad foundations of psychology as a scientific discipline. Teaching Period 1 2016 (Online) Teaching Period 3 2016 (Online) Teaching Period 5 2016 (Online) Synopsis. This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C Monash This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Student and Education Business Services Monash In this elective unit you will develop your capacity to critically engage with contemporary issues, emerging trends and new directions in psychology. Print PSY3250 - Positive psychology page. PSY5105 - Clinical developmental psychology. PSY3062 - Research methods in psychology. Student and Education This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Important dates Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Completed Bachelor's Degree and a major sequence in psychology approved by the Australian Psychological Society, or qualification assessed as equivalent by the Australian Psychological Society, with a distinction average (70%) for third year psychology units. PSY3032 - Abnormal psychology. Print PSYCHOL07 - Psychology page. Print PSY2042 - Personality and social psychology page. Critical dates relating to your enrolment. jpg; MoT. monash Current students Staff Library A unit requires on average three/four hours of scheduled activities per week. units. Undergraduates to present research in unique 48-hour forum PSY4151 Personality and social psychology; Advanced units. ATS2817 - Psychology of language. PSY5210 - Clinical psychology research methods. Course. Then, a series of core psychological topics with be introduced: concepts of health, stress and coping will be considered along with the distinguishing features of This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Unit Code: PSY4151. Must be enrolled in Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced (M5003) Prohibitions Psychology - Postgraduate Area of study - Faculty of Education - Monash University This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSY5105 - Clinical developmental psychology page. Critical dates relating to your enrolment Student and Education Business Services Monash WEL1320, WEL1340, BHS1320, BHS1340, GSC1306, GSC1307, APY1910, PSS1711, PSS1712 and any first-level psychology units taught at Monash prior to 1998 Additional information on this unit is available from the faculty at: This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSYCHOL03 - Psychology page. Monash researchers start company to reprogram human cells; Creating next generation medicines: research collaboration announced with Roche; to schedule at least two participation options for off-campus students in each core unit of psychology. Print PSY2071 - Developmental psychology page. PSY4000 - Final honours psychology. PSY2042 - Personality and social psychology. emerging trends and new directions in psychology. Print PSY4403 - Psychology research project: Methodology and data collection page. Psychological science. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Monash Indigenous Access Program (MIAP) and Indigenous Non-Award Pathway (INAP) Schools and Community Outreach Programs; (70%) for third year psychology units. open_in_new. Print PSY4122 - Psychology 1B page. Student and Education Business . Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number Two level 1 units (12 points): PSY1011 Psychology 1A; PSY1022 Psychology 1B; Three level 2 units (18 points): PSY2061 Biological psychology; PSY2071 Developmental psychology; PSY2042 Personality and social psychology; Four level 3 units (24 points): PSY3041 Psychological testing theories of ability and ethics; PSY3051 Perception and cognitive This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Critical dates relating to your enrolment Student and Education Business Services Monash PSY4402 Psychology research project: Literature review; PSY4403 Psychology research project: Methodology and data collection; PSY4404 Psychology research project: results and discussion; PSY4405 Ethical and professional issues in psychology; PSY4406 Psychological assessment and intervention; PSY4407 Psychology in industry: Pathways to employment This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C Monash University recognised as passive house pioneer; Monash University ranked in top 0. PSY2112 - Organisational psychology and workplace wellbeing Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. ATS3817 - Psychology of language. Student and Education Business Services Monash University’s 2030 impact statement is committed to addressing the most pressing challenges of the future. MKB2703 - Consumer psychology. PSY1011 - Psychology 1A. Major. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences; School of Psychological Sciences; Overview; Network; Profiles (133); Projects (746); Outputs (5724); Prizes (350); Activities (380); Press/Media (206) Clinical psychology pathway. Print PSY1011 - Psychology 1A page. Unit Code: PSY4111. Print ATS2875 - The moral psychology of evil page. PSY4401 - Psychology research project: Statistics and research design for professional psychology. jpg; IMG_4979. These units will develop your understanding of This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. 5 per cent of Universities in the world ; Monash researchers help discover genetic secret for climate change defence in trees; Monash Warwick Alliance 2016 second round funding opens. PSYCHOL08 - Psychology. PSY4032 - Abnormal psychology. info sms_failed. IMG_4931. PSYCHOL02 - Psychology. Handbook: Must be enrolled in Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced (M5003), must be enrolled in PSY4400 This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PSY3051 - Perception and cognitive psychology. Print PSY4405 - Ethical and professional issues in psychology page. Critical dates relating to your enrolment Student and Education Business Services Monash Unit Code: PSY4122 Duration: 6 weeks Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week Credit Points: 6 Description: ‘Psychology foundations: The social self’ serves as an introduction to the scientific discipline of psychology, and provides foundational knowledge in key areas including theories of social behaviour, emotion and motivation, and the cognitive processes underlying This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Students will explore psychology's historical origins and be introduced to a series of core psychological topics including: learning, development, sensation and perception, personality and the neurobiological basis of behaviour. PSY2071 - Developmental psychology. PSY4180 - Contemporary issues and new directions in psychology. Print ATS2817 - Psychology of language page. Print AZA1019 - Psychology: Introduction 1A page. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. Print PSY4409 - 21st century applications of psychology page. Monash’s online Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced offers a rich and flexible learning experience. Print PSY1011 - Foundations in psychology page. PSY2061 - Biological psychology. Students may complete single units, a major or minor in psychology towards the core arts component of their Bachelor of Arts degree or associated double degrees. Print PSYCHOL01 - Psychology page. Print PMH3110 - Psychology impact placement page. PSY4100 - Psychology honours: Research project. Student and Education Business Services Monash University CRICOS Provider Number This is the official site of the Monash University Handbook for course and unit information. PSYCHOL09 - Psychology. Critical dates relating to your enrolment Student and Education Business Services Monash This unit entry is for students who completed this unit in 2012 only. Print OCC1021 - Psychology for occupational therapy page. Forensic psychology deals with the application of psychological principles to problems of law enforcement and the courts. Handbook. Student and Education Business Services Monash Monash Indigenous Access Program (MIAP) and Indigenous Non-Award Pathway (INAP) Schools and Community Outreach Programs; (70%) for third year psychology units. PSY3250 - Positive psychology. For their major, students choose to study either the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council This unit provides students with an introduction to the broad foundations of psychology as a scientific discipline. Structure This course consists of a compulsory psychology major and an arts major, with additional arts studies chosen from a variety of arts disciplines. Student and Education Business This unit provides a continuation of two psychology topics that you will have learnt about in the foundational units.
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