Plant microbiome research. Using 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, Lebeis et al.

Plant microbiome research Cell Host Microbe 22 142–155. Aim & scope. Characterizing the plant microbiome and its function could be applied for better crop design and management, especially in resource-limited environments, and to protect plants from intruding pathogens. The focus is on developing microbial tools that enhance nutrient uptake, bolster pathogen resistance, and increase tolerance to climate extremes. Plant diseases pose a serious threat to crop production and the agricultural economy across the globe. 1495198. Under drought stress, plants exude unique organic molecules into their rhizosphere thereby changing the microbial community colonizing the plant’s roots as compared to normal conditions (3–6). 1016/j. (2013) The rhizosphere microbiome: significance of plant beneficial, plant pathogenic, and human pathogenic microorganisms. The Soybean Microbiome. ) is together defined as its microbiome. 1. 2. Plants associate—analogous to animals or us humans—with a multitude of microorganisms, which collectively function as a microbiome. To date, however, these microbiome-associated phenotypes (MAPs) [5] have been primarily qualitative and taxonomy-driven rather than quantitative and trait-based. Ecol. g. Agr . how specific plant genes affect The microbiome is critical in plant development, evolution, ecology, and health, including nutrient uptake, host protection from pathogens, and abiotic stress tolerance. She studied In microbiome research, a synthetic community is an artificially assembled microbial community built by mixing selected strains [83, 98]. It refers to the important role played by microorganisms in Leverage the recent scientific breakthrough in plant microbiome to reduce biotic stress; Part of the book series: Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection (SUPP, volume 20) He has published more than 35 articles in reputed journals with For this Research Topic we invite authors to submit manuscripts on themes that include, but are not limited to the following: • The role of a plant’s microbiome (bacteria, fungi, and viruses) in growth and development. profiled the root microbiomes of a panel of Arabidopsis hormone mutants impaired in synthesis or signaling of individual or combinations of plant hormones. The importance of plant- and soil-associated microbiota has been increasingly recognized in recent years. Molecular analysis of the plant holobiont necessitates the application of specific sampling The goal of phyto-microbiome engineering is to enhance key plant outcomes, such as induced systemic resistance, the mineralization of organic matter, and nutrient cycling, particularly under conditions of salinity and drought stress (Meena et al. This makes the plant microbiome an essential part of the Background A major aim in plant microbiome research is determining the drivers of plant-associated microbial communities. Microbiome research has revolutionized our understanding of plant microbiome 1 Introduction. Inoculation with key microbiota members can improve plant traits. Plant microbiota The Southern Section of the American Society of Plant Biologists is holding the Kriton Hatzios Symposium during the section’s 83rd annual meeting. 07. Plant microbiome is categorized into three kinds based on their occurrence and interactions with the plant: 1) Rhizospheric plant microbiome; 2) Phyllospheric Keywords: plant microbiome, interactomics, rhizospheric community, metabolomics, microbe-mediated stress management Important note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Plant microbiomes are diverse, containing both beneficial and harmful rhizospheric microorganisms, as well as endophytic and pathogenic pathogens []. The abundant microbial communities in the rhizosphere can also use so-called rhizosphere sediments, such as nutrients, root exudates, marginal cells, and Ever since their origin hundreds of millions of years ago, plants have lived in association with microbes. Research on the plant microbiome actually predates the animal and human counterparts because microorganisms play an obvious and crucial role in fixing nutrients for the plant, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. , 2018). A major discovery of the last decade is that numerous organisms of a microbiome (aka Our review brings to light the endophytic microbial dynamics of soybeans and current status of plant microbiome research for sustainable agriculture. By studying the rhizosphere microbiome of Pesticides and additives made from chemicals may also change the plant microbiome and select antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms. To meet the increased nitrogen demand in agriculture, synthetic fertilizers have been used extensively in the latter part of the twentieth century, which have led to environmental challenges such as nitrate pollution. Various tissue species of plants have a variety of microorganisms, which constitute plant microbiota. The structure and functions of plant-associated microorganisms, as well as the genetic, biochemical, physical and metabolic factors that influence the beneficial traits of plant microbiota have also been intensively studied. Plants constantly interact with a plethora of microorganisms, which can be beneficial, neutral or detrimental to plant growth and health (Bais et al. The Deciphering the hidden world of plant microbiomes Historically, plant microbiology research focused on microbes that make plants sick. , Akkermansia, Lactobacillus, and Pseudomonas. Schematic illustrating proposed metabolic modelling workflow with synthetic communities as input. , 2014). However, there is an incomplete knowledge of which plant metabolites are consumed by which Bidirectionality of plant microbiome interactions. 2021). It remains unknown how other microbial components, especially key microbiome Host-microbiome interactions are recognized for their importance to host health. As a result, microbiome research has relied largely on reverse genetics approaches, based on what is known about plant nutrient This review also elaborates on current research efforts involved in transferring nitrogen-fixing mechanisms from legumes to non-legumes, especially to economically important crops such as rice, maize, and wheat at the molecular level and relevant other techniques involving the manipulation of soil microbiome for plant benefits in the non-legume Recent research has focused predominantly on the role of small molecules in enhancing disease resistance through the activation of plant immune responses and direct targeting of pathogens [7, 37,38,39]. However, most rhizosphere microbiome research has focused on fractions of this microbiome, particularly bacteria and fungi. Comprehensive Plant Microbiome Research. 2017. Recent attention has been devoted to microbiome research with dedicated researchers making significant strides in Understanding their relatedness using genome-based and high-throughput techniques remains a hot topic in microbiome research. The natural microbiome is a complex environment and is simplified to a synthetic community with a Plant microbiome assembly is a complex ecological process driven by coevolution over millennia (Dini-Andreote & Raaijmakers, 2018; predictions of the impacts of climate change on the plant-associated microbiome and will open new avenues for applied research to harness plant–microbiome interactions to improve the climate resiliency of Global research on the plant microbiome has enhanced our understanding of the complex interactions between plants and microorganisms. This year’s theme is “Plant Microbiome: Ecology, Functions, and Application This approach has strong potential to deliver new mechanistic insights into plant microbiome research, because microbial substrate uptake is a central mechanism shaping the assembly of the plant-associated microbial community (Sasse et al. Research on beneficial mechanisms by plant-associated microbiomes, such as plant growth stimulation and protection from plant pathogens, has gained considerable attention over the past decades; however, the mechanisms used by plants to recruit their microbiome is largely unknown. (Trivedi et al. While soil characteristics and host plant identity present key drivers of root microbiome Microbiome Research in Plants and Soil. , 2017). , 2017; Bakker et al. This research topic will highlight the current knowledge regarding plant microbiomes, their specificity, diversity Background: Research suggests that eating a plant-dominant dietary pattern is beneficial to people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Early microbiome studies mainly involved isolation of microbes (bacteria, fungi, actinobacteria etc. As a recognized second genome of plants, the rhizosphere microbiome, with its enhanced microbial diversity and activity, is crucial for the growth, development, and health of plants (Berendsen et al. Considering these developments, our Research Topic “Plant Microbiome: Interactions, Mechanisms of Action, and Applications,” offers a timely snapshot of 25 articles on plant microbiome research with a special focus on specificity, diversity and function of complex microbial communities associated directly or indirectly with the plant (i. 10. 3389/fevo. Ecological studies typically investigate the root microbiome using the holistic approaches, which is critical to reveal the root microbiome status in natural environments. The interactions within the phyto-microbiome are influenced by a range of factors, including climatic conditions, Recent plant microbiome research is largely focused on describing structure and functions of microbial communities in different plant associated niches, and linking specific microbial taxa to plant performance. The interaction can be broken down into a ‘plant-to Recent advances in microbiome research using model plant species started to shed light on the functions of specific microorganisms and the underlying mechanisms of plant–microbial interaction. In recent years, a multitude of The plant microbiota can complement host functioning, leading to improved growth and health under unfavorable conditions. Specifically, the authors looked at the microbial community in the rhizosphere (the soil adjacent to the root) and in the endophytic compartment of roots (see the Understanding the importance of the plant microbiome, (1) the influence of secondary metabolites of microorganisms on beneficial microbes of the plant microbiome, (2) The alteration of continuous environmental condition How plant microbiome (endosphere, phyllosphere, rhizosphere and bulk soil) confers disease resistance in plants. With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technology and metagenomics in recent years, the natural close relationship among rhizosphere microbiome, A new study by University of California, Berkeley, microbial ecologists used experimental evolution to help identify the core microbiome of commercial tomatoes. Extensive characterization of plant microbiota has yielded valuable insights into the factors affecting microbial community assembly, consistently revealing that the host Plants host diverse microbial communities that are associated with plant roots, the phyllosphere, rhizosphere and the endosphere, and comprise bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes and viruses. Plants are notable to live with the microbial community in nature. Soil microbes have tremendous potential to provide long-term, cost-effective solutions that Recent research has connected specific microbial taxa to plant productivity, and it is now possible to link changes in microbiome structure to the functioning of plants or crops due to advanced approaches. Among the multitude of host functions that microbes influence are nutrient uptake [17–19], defense [20–23], and phenology []. A complete understanding of which bacteria increase hydroponic crop yields and ways to mitigate crop loss from disease are critical to advancing microbiome research. Microbiota are important for plant growth, health and stress resilience. To what extent plant communities regulate and are regulated by their microbiomes is an area that needs to be explored and raises In agroecosystems, nitrogen is one of the major nutrients limiting plant growth. On purpose manipulation of the plant microbiome may be an The field of mammalian gut microbiome research also has a long history of defining model SynComs, including the eight-strain altered Open questions in plant– microbiome research that can be Plant growth and development is the product of layers of sensing and regulation that are modulated by multifactorial environmental cues. One big step forward in plant microbiome study is being able to change the groups of microbes that live on plants. Hence, translating The most commonly used machine learning approaches in microbiome research includes response surface methodology, artificial neural network (ANN), decision tree, random forest, K-nearest neighbors, Plant-microbiome interactions for Cd detoxification involve a variety of mechanisms, depending on the plant species and the microbial community Plant microbiome research highlights the importance of indigenous microbial communities for host phenotypes such as growth and health. , The positive coupling between the plant microbiome and the production of defense enzymes helps to improve the overall disease resistance of host plants, highlighting the important role of the The plant microbiome embedded in the One Health and planetary health concepts: disease outbreaks and spread of antimicrobial resistances. , 2021a). But Julia Vorholt took a different perspective. 2015). Microbiome improvement may be achieved by appropriate In this Review, we explore how plant microbiome research has unravelled the complex network of genetic, biochemical, physical and metabolic interactions among the plant, With an approximate number of 500,000 plant species a lot of work lays ahead of plant microbiome research to explore new aspects about phylogenetic diversity of plant-associated microorganisms in the future. The term “holobiont” means association of host plants and microbial community in Here the authors discuss the use of synthetic communities, or SynComs, in plant–microbiome research and propose steps to develop community standards that will support future research. Approaches in investigating microbiome structure and discerning their functions are continuously evolving. Unarguably, these studies have rapidly given us solid understanding of broad taxonomic trends in plant associated microbiota. 1 Endophytic bacteria recruitment mechanisms and benefits in In this review we give an overview regarding the current state-of-the-art of microbiome research by discussing new technologies and approaches. (2020a). To date, however, these microbiome-associated phenotypes (MAPs) The ongoing revolution in plant microbiome research has unequivocally shown that microbes impact on plant growth, nutrition, and tolerance to (a)biotic stresses. , 2020). The plant-associated microbiome affects various phenotypic traits [2], including plant growth and resilience to abiotic stresses [17]. , 2013). To tackle this problem, this paper reviews the emergent field of plant microbiome research and explores how it can help to lessen tomato post-harvest diseases. Numerous key questions emerge for further plant microbiome research including the following. • The Plants live with large and diverse prokaryotes and eukaryotes (i. Research thus far has demonstrated several beneficial effects A central question is whether the microbiomes of crop ancestors can be used to “rewild” microbiomes of current crops. Liu H, Deng Y, et al. 2024. They are related to microbial assemblages through different plant parts and microbial component of the plant holobiont comprising all the microbial genome is known as plant microbiome (Compant et al. 3c; Source Data), with axenic-infected plants showing the lowest median plant weight (18. The majority of The importance of research on plant microbiomes can be seen by the high number of publications on this topic, with numerous studies considering different plant compartments from the soil to plant continuum, studies showing changes in the microbiome modulated by environmental factors and its potential benefits for agriculture [8]. Plants growing in natural ecosystems live in close association with a multitude of microorganisms (virus-like particles, bacteria, fungi, and oomycetes), collectively known as the microbiota. Publication types 3. , 2015; Sánchez-Cañizares et al. , 2023; Xun et al. Microbial community profiling enabled the description of the phylogenetic structure of the plant microbiota to an unprecedented depth, whereas functional insights are largely derived from experiments using individual microorganisms. , 2019). 1 mg (Fig. The world's global environmental health and food security remain significant problems. Plant microbiome denotes the microorganism community living in and on the plant, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In this Review, we explore plant microbiome functions, mechanisms, assembly and types of interaction, and discuss current applications and their pitfalls. Microbial species richness provides information about the plant diversity and productivity (Sharma et al. Using 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, Lebeis et al. 3389/fpls. It is essential to evaluate the diversity and population of endophytes in soybean plants in different environments, as a knowledge of this would serve as a background to For this e-book “The plant microbiome and its importance for plant and human health” we collected 18 articles, including reviews, original, and opinion articles that highlight the current knowledge regarding plant microbiomes, their specificity, diversity, and function as well as all aspects studying the management of plant microbiomes to Owing to its biochemical flexibility, sulfur (S) is uniquely poised to fulfill versatile roles in plant–microbe interactions – impacting their metabolism with significant consequences for plant health and the global S cycle. , 2018 ). However, in recent work, Liu et al. Here, we review (1) microbiome-mediated functions associated with plant growth and protection, (2) insights from native and agricultural habitats that This Research Topic aims to explore transformative solutions through the engineering of plant microbiomes, employing cutting-edge technologies like CRISPR/Cas9, synthetic biology, and multi-omics. 1 Rhizosphere Microbiome Engineering []. Despite increasing recognition of the vast functional capabilities of the plant microbiome, our understanding of the ecology and evolution of the taxonomically hyperdiverse microbial communities is limited. An improved understanding of the molecular underpinnings of host-microbiome relationships will advance our capacity to accurately predict host fitness and manipulate interaction outcomes. 15:1495198. Research on plant microbiome diversity, community assembly, evolution, ecology, and functional roles is booming. , 2022; Yue et al. The rapid developments in omics technologies and bioinformatics analysis are continuing to evolve the microbiome science field forward. e Another challenge of research on plant microbiome is to characterize the wide variety of molecules responsible for the network communica- tion between plants and micro-organisms with the Plant pathogens cause plant diseases that significantly decrease crop yields, posing a serious threat to global food security. 4. Microbiome engineering could therefore become a transformative technique Methodological advances over the past two decades have propelled plant microbiome research, allowing the field to comprehensively test ideas proposed over a century ago and generate many new hypotheses. e. The plant microbiome may be considered an accessory genome that extends plant functions, thus representing a Recent advances in microbiome research using model plant species started to shed light on the functions of specific microorganisms and the underlying mechanisms of plant–microbial interaction. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in plants is an essential mechanism for sustainable The median plant weight was between 13. These efforts have produced significant insights into plant–microbe relationships. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable It is a research priority for the plant microbiome community to develop standardized methods to elucidate the rules of microbiome assembly, functional plant–microbiome interactions and isolate Introduction. These organisms play important roles in the health and productivity of crops by forming complex co-association with plants (Fitzpatrick et al. It provides: Insights into basic Bacterial and fungal symbionts are the most well-known and studied, but the plant microbiome can also include archaea, protists, oomycetes, and viruses. While plant disease resistance has traditionally been understood as the trait determined by the plant innate immune system and the pathogen virulence system, recent research underscores the pivotal role of the plant microbiome in Establishing causality: opportunities of synthetic communities for plant microbiome research. Combining computational and molecular biological skills, her research focuses on bacteria-plant interactions. Here, we review current knowledge of plant Role of the plant microbiome. The binary interplay Rhizosphere microbiome refers in particular to the dynamic microbial consortium that are selectively recruited by plants from the soil microbiome of their seed banks and gathered in the rhizosphere. The Plant Microbiome 283 Although the interactions between plant microbiomes and pathogens have been the subject of active research in recent years (e. Studying the distribution of microbial taxa and genes across plant habitats has revealed the importance of various ecological and evolutionary forces shaping plant Over the past few decades, developments in molecular technologies have catalyzed a rapid advancement in plant microbiome research, expanding from the rhizosphere to the phyllosphere, and from bacteria and fungi to more microbial groups such as protists, nematodes, and viruses (Pratama and van Elsas, 2018; Sun et al. Remove the dust and stones from the soil. The aim was to investigate how increasing the diversity of plant food intake would impact metabolomic, microbiome and clinical parameters in people with CKD. The rhizospheric region enriched with microbial diversity presents an optimal environment to investigate this relationship. Furthermore, we For example, plant genes associated with symbiosis and immunity have profound effects on the assembly of the rhizosphere microbiome. Rather than concentrating on plant diseases, she looked at the microbes that naturally inhabit leaves, known as the phyllosphere. 4 and 13. ) on culture media, enriched or selective, based on the study’s objective. Utilizing cutting-edge Research into microbiome in the plant environments, such as rhizosphere, root, seed, and stem, have been documented, and their possible use in agricultural biotechnology is profound. Analysis of leaf microbiome composition of near-isogenic maize lines differing in broad-spectrum disease resistance. Research on the human microbiome has progressed very quickly. 0 and 68. We have to intensify the identification of beneficial key stone species (not only pathogens) within microbiome cycles, and follow their transmission routes, e. doi: 10. All higher organisms examined to date, including plants, insects, fish, rats, apes, and humans, harbor microbiomes [1, 2]. , 2012; Pérez-Jaramillo et al. There are two types of microbiome-mediated disease resistance: direct, in which Plant microbiome includes bacteria, fungi, archaea, protists, and viruses; the majority of research has focused on bacterial and fungal communities (Trivedi et al. , nutrient, mineral and vitamin supply, and protection against biotic and abiotic stress (Vandenkoornhuyse et al. , Busby P. Plant Sci. We argue here that pollen microbiome research should be expanded and integrated with the better-known seed microbiome and, in general, plant microbiome data. Fig. Pathogens and organisms that help plants grow may modify the plant microbiome. E. Plants can sense and respond to a large number of microorganisms in both cultivated and natural environments. Citation: Hu D, Hu L, Xiao O, Chen J, Dai X, Sun Y and Kong Z (2024) Bibliometric analysis of research trends and advancements in medicinal plant microbiome. AI algorithms are adept at Figure 1. It aims to discover the molecular basis by which host-microbe and microbe-microbe Studies of plant microbiomes not only shed light on principles underlying the assembly and dynamics of plant-associated microbiomes but also provide strategic insights into microbiome engineering Methodological advances over the past two decades have propelled plant microbiome research, allowing the field to comprehensively test ideas proposed over a century ago and generate many new hypotheses. Studying the distribution of microbial taxa and genes across plant habitats has revealed the impo Plant health is intimately influenced by the rhizosphere microbiome, a complex assembly of organisms that changes markedly across plant growth. Due to the success of the original Research Topic and the following Volume II, we have decided to launch a Volume III of “Plant Microbiome: Interactions, Me The rhizosphere, phyllosphere, and endosphere microorganisms both directly and indirectly influence the composition, structure, diversity, and productivity of natural plant communities (Mendes et al. 8:61. In this perspective, we summarize first achievements of plant-microbiome research, we discuss future research directions, and we provide ideas for the translation of basic science to application to capitalize on the plant microbiome at work. What is the ecological function of the plant microbiome? What are the roles of core microbiota members that are shared between many plant species? How do plants interact with the microbiota and what is the molecular cross-talk between host and Here, we identify priorities for research in this area: (1) develop model host–microbiome systems for crop plants and non-crop plants with associated microbial culture collections and reference genomes, (2) define The plant-microbiome interplay is a complex network of relationships between plants and diverse microbial communities inhabiting roots, leaves, stems, and surrounding soil. , 2024). We also provide insights into fundamental microbiome research that aim to Microbiome Research in Plants and Soil. This discrepancy is due, in part, to an incomplete understanding of the processes Moreover, the plant microbiome has a substantial impact on human health by influencing our gut microbiome by eating raw plants such as lettuce and herbs and but also by influencing the microbiome of our environment through airflow. Front. Within the plant microbiome research field, unlocking the functional relationships between A plant’s microbiome can affect how plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or how the soil stores carbon when plant organic material is broken down in the soil. However, the potential functions of these microbial small molecules in modulating other biological processes in plants remain largely elusive. Here, we discuss the possible impact of this In this Review, we explore how plant microbiome research has unravelled the complex network of genetic, biochemical, physical and metabolic interactions among the plant, the associated microbial communities and the environment. 004 [Google Scholar] Wagner M. For example, some beneficial bacteria and fungi like nitrogen fixer, antagonistic bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere and plant compartments can The ongoing revolution in plant microbiome research has unequivocally shown that microbes impact on plant growth, nutrition, and tolerance to (a)biotic stresses. Tailored selection and delivery of microbial strains or consortia is required. This intrinsic relationship between plant defense mechanisms and microbial communities has become a focal point of research in plant biology and ecology Broadly, plant microbiome research could be undertaken by culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. Evol. The fMENs application was employed by However, relative to the pace of basic plant microbiome research, translation into viable microbial interventions in plant production is lagging. Similar to reversing industrialization-associated changes in human gut microbiota (), plant In future research, a comprehensive understanding of plant–microbiome interactions should encompass various dimensions of the plant's dynamics, including chronological time, phenotypic plasticity, the However, the complexity of the microbiome, combined with relatively subtle effects on plant growth and immunity, has impeded forward genetic screening to identify plant and bacterial genes that shape the microbiome. Plants are naturally associated with specific microorganisms, which fulfill important functions, e. 2018). They selected for those microbial taxa that best survived on the plants and then showed that these “domesticated” microbial communities are able to effectively fend off random microbes that However, due to distinct research preferences between plant breeders and microbiologists, it is relatively unlikely to obtain plant varieties with these two high-performance pathways during the breeding process. The This rhizosphere microbiome impacts plant growth, development, and health and holds great potential for reducing the use of agrochemicals. , Carrión et al. Here, we review (1) microbiome-mediated functions associated with plant growth and protection, (2) insights from native and agricultural habitats that This review highlights some of the most prevalent plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) and destructive phytopathogenic bacteria that dominate hydroponic systems. Soil microbes have tremendous potential to provide long-term, cost-effective solutions that could lead to innovative approaches to improving environmental resistance to climate impact, agricultural Although network studies involving plant and plant microbiome researchers dwell more on the pMENs, little or none is known of fMENs in plant-plant microbiome network studies. The effects of plant–microbe interactions are sometimes apparent, for example, how arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria improve plant biomass and nutrient content [18, 19] or, conversely, the negative associations Keywords: Plant Microbiome, Plant-Microbe Interactions, Abiotic Stress, Nutrient Limitation, Agricultural Practices Important note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Currently, chemical pesticides are frequently employed to Extreme environments, such as deserts, are another area where plant microbiome research efforts have correlated mechanisms of the microbiome permitting the plant to tolerate drought stress (Kaplan et al. The plant microbiome, encompassing diverse microbial Plant immunity and microbiome-mediated disease resistance; Multi-omics approaches (metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) in plant microbiome research; Plant pathobiome; Microbial inoculants, biofertilizers, and biopesticides for crop improvement; Advances in microbiome-based plant breeding and synthetic microbiomes. Moreover, the metagenomic potential of the plant-associated microbiome could conceivably dwarf the genomic abilities of plants Plants maintain a dynamic relationship with a diverse microbial community collectively referred to as the microbiome, and it is widely acknowledged that microbiome plays a crucial role in determining plant health and productivity (Hunter 2016). Manipulations of the plant microbiome through bioaugmentation, endophytes, adding various growth factors, genetic modification, and/or selecting the microbial community via insertion of probiotics or phages for gene transfer are future areas of research to further expand this green, cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing technology Plant heterosis has been recognized as being primarily dependent on the genetics of contrasting parents. We suggest that the Keywords: Plant microbiome, Composition, Functionalities, Inoculation, Farming practices, Plant microbiome modulation. Take desired plant seeds and sterilize them with 1% sodium hypochlorite, followed by several washings with sterile, autoclaved distilled water. FEMS the plant microbiome is defined and discussed in relation to the currency of the complex communication pathways that occur within it, the ecol-ogy of the habitats of the plant microbiome with emphasis on those occurring belowground, and the importance of the plant microbiome to plant genomics. SynCom engineering is the major witness of this advancement. Given their vital importance for protein and DNA synthesis and energy production, many plants have evolved close symbiotic Plant microbiome research has been revolutionized through multidisciplinary approaches such as meta-omics, bioengineering, bioinformatics and theoretical and experimental biology. , Balint-Kurti P. Received: 12 September 2024; Accepted: 04 November 2024; Published: 20 November 2024. We also discuss how those interactions shape the assembly of plant-associated microbiomes and modulate their Recent ecosystem and plant microbiome research has shown that certain microbes can be health determinants [67, 68]. chom. This review mainly summarizes the research progress of the alpine plant microbiome and its mediating mechanism of plant cold adaptation from the following three perspectives: (1) Microbiome community structure and their unique taxa of alpine and subalpine plants; (2) The role of alpine and subalpine plant microbiome in plant adaptation to cold Concepts for future research. 2020. Over the past few decades, research has unveiled the intricate and essential role of the plant microbiome in supporting plant growth, health, and resilience. Rhizosphere microbiome plays a crucial role in promoting plant health and growth by offering protection against pests and diseases, enhancing nutrient uptake, and helping plants in coping with environmental stresses (Berendsen et al. 0 mg for experiment 1 and 2, respectively). Research into the interactions between root microbiomes and host plants connects the fields of microbial ecology and plant molecular biology. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable The plant immune system in particular is thought to have a profound impact in determining the plant microbiome structure and diversity. Place the soil in a tray with sections. The plant microbiome plays a multifaceted role in protecting plants from pathogen attacks using different strategies, such as ac tivating immune responses, induced systemic resistance (ISR) and Plant microbiota research comes of age. Editorial on the Research Topic Plant Microbiome: Ecology, functions, and application trends. how specific plant genes affect ecosystem functions via the rhizosphere microbiome represents a paradigm shift in plant genetic research, and potentially offers plant-based solutions for food crises Understanding plant microbe interactions is crucial for achieving sustainable agriculture. The published research on SynComs has grown When comparing the developments within the gut and plant microbiome fields, gut microbiota SynCom establishment is grounded on various pillars lacking in the Recent ecosystem and plant microbiome research has shown that certain microbes can be health determinants [67, 68]. 2012). , 2004; Haichar et al. plant microbiomes) which have coevolved with their hosts and profoundly impact a range of aspects of plant performance [1,2,3,4]. [4, 5]. The plant microbiome is distinct in its co-evolutionary relationships with microbial communities, shaped by specific plant traits and Plants host distinct microbial communities on and inside their tissues designated the plant microbiota. We present evidence that the diversity of S-metabolic genes in plant-associated microbiomes (phytobiomes) is underappreciated, and plant niches are While research on the human microbiome is booming, less attention has been paid to the microbiome of plants. , 2016; Wen et al. Leveraging the power of advancing techniques in omics and multi-omics, computational throughput and biostatistics, as well as remodeling biological Microorganisms colonizing plant surfaces and internal tissues provide a number of life-support functions for their host. 3. However, fully harnessing these advances requires careful consideration of methodological assumptions and environmental backgrounds, underscoring the need for an integrated approach to microbiome research. Root exudate-mediated plant–microbiome interactions determine plant health during disease infection. The microbiome is critical in plant development, evolution, ecology, and health, including nutrient uptake, host protection from pathogens, and This rhizosphere microbiome impacts plant growth, development, and health and holds great potential for reducing the use of agrochemicals. 17, 18 Root exudates, which contain a 1 Plant–microbiome interaction is complex. 00061 TowardComprehensivePlant MicrobiomeResearch KariSaikkonen1*,RiittaNissinen2 andMarjoHelander3 1 Biodiversity Unit, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 2 Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into microbiome research and biofertilizer development has significantly accelerated research advances and commercialization efforts (Figure 5). This study investigated the effects of inoculating pea plants (Pisum sativum) with two endophytic Bacillus strains, AR11 and AR32, isolated from Artemisia species and characterized by phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, and pathogen antagonism. While easy to perform, this approach underestimated the These research priorities may enable us to manipulate agricultural microbiomes and thereby to develop management strategies for increased production and productivity of global agriculture in a sustainable manner. Collect the fresh soil sample. Plant-microbe interactions have been studied extensively in legumes, but the influence of host developmental stages on its microbiome remains poorly understood. The twelve articles comprising this special topic on Plant Microbiome: Diversity, Functions, and Applications highlight the advances and progress in research on a great diversity of plant species globally. Types of plant microbiome. R. describe ‘endophytic microbiome-induced heterosis’, showing distinct and diverse seed microbiomes in hybrids, which boosted seed germination compared with their parents. A diverse kind of microorganisms associated with a higher organism (human, animal, plants etc. It has long been recognized that plants associate with microbes, and a wide range of studies have Climate change-induced droughts have broad-ranging implications for global agriculture production and food security (1, 2). The interaction between plants and the microbiome is a fluid and bidirectional process. The role of the microbiome for plant health is well-accepted, while the importance of inter-linked microbiomes, especially those associated with plants, for health issues is currently less in the focus of ongoing research. Angela Sessitsch heads the Bioresources Unit of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. ktt pvnl idns ybzy lvohfc colwzn amr postx gnde vfecohf xeqayj oep yeziagy woecyt usyu