Npp vs tren reddit 4-Harsher crash on Tren vs NPP 5-Emotional wreck on Tren vs slightly irritable on NPP (again my experience) 6-Dry joints on Tren vs lubricated joints on NPP (again contributes to cycle success) 7-You can easily stack high doses of Testosterone with NPP. My second cycle I did Superdrol, 4 weeks at the start, 4 weeks at the end. I run it around 3-400mg/wk when running 500mg/wk of test. Im going to stack with anadrol. Could even run a oral for the final 4 weeks, however after that marathon you would want to see how your bloods look before you go downing the sdrol. first time running tren i stopped everything at once and it was too dramatic of a drop-off. I’d been running the test and EQ for about 3 weeks before dropping the NPP so it had time to build up. IMO, when running NPP/Decarun more test. Tren A. But they’re different drugs, you pick from them based on goals. You may never be able to PCT. NPP really should be injected EOD though. They're the same drug just different esters I think. Internet Weeks 5-20 200 NPP Option 2. But solo tren vs solo deca (test base of course) tren is more powerful Facebook X Bluesky LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. I assumed that literally the only difference was the ester, in other words the duration of the half-life. Or check it out in the app stores I’ve heard that deca is stronger and has more sides compared to npp cus of the long ester so it builds up to much higher I’ve ran tren and npp and I’m on npp test mast var currently. Next week will be Anadrol vs Superdrol. I’ve been here for half a decade+ now. Switched to test and npp. My previous cycle experiences have been with var, npp, primo, and test. You should seriously delete this post. 5 EQ 525 test 350 tren 350 npp. It doesn’t build muscle well. Pinning . I've tried both. Otherwise you're probably using too much NPP. Maybe addmasteron with the npp I want to run an off-season cycle with test, tren and npp (maybe 10 weeks with the npp and another 10 with the tren) for 20 weeks. (I was also taking 750iu HCG weekly, 5mg Cialis daily, and 300mg P5P daily) Benefits: noticed more fullness and increased pump within 7-10 days of beginning the cycle. Even if I did use Tren for contest prep, I'd be sprinkling a little bit on top of Primo for honestly very similar effects without feeling like a psychopath. On Tren, higher doses of Test will lead to heavy sides. 150-200mg starting One of the best looks I ever had was when bulking on NPP. The NPP will also give you give an added fullness that the tren will not. 2CC test-e EOD with Tren ace and mast prop might be easiest. With Tren, I Strength from both was very similar but tren made me 'pop' more than npp. Have read the scare stories the utility It’s like super tren, but without the tren side effects. 787. Im 45yrs old male, 246lbs @19%bf. I'm running a similar cycle in a couple weeks, prop, npp, dbol and I'm also running mast and provirion. The only difference between Tren H and the other esters is half-life and amount of active compound at a given weight. My advice is to be prepared for the mental sides. Starting with my next pin I'm going to do 80mg test p and 80mg NPP instead of my usual 35mg test p and 100mg tren a. I was plan on running 200mg tren a weeks 5 to 15 for a cut. I think they're confusing hunger for tren sides. 100mg EoD (350/wk) is plenty. Opposite with NPP and EQ. Two questions and any opinions are largely welcomed. Head space was worse on NPP than tren. I know it doesn’t work the best for some people, but holy shit, I really felt like I was ON. I’m only experienced with test and anavar. EQ is amazing but messes with my sleep AND my libido at a high dosage. I'm aware of the properties of both NPP and tren but both seem to have positive and negative aspects that are making choosing difficult. Personal experience matches. Even 75mg EoD is a big boost on top of 500 Prop. Maybe starting 400/400 wouldn’t be a bad idea, might reduce acne sides for you. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Really looking forward to trying NPP on my next cycle. It is also harsher. I have run 1 tren cycle before (Tren A, at a relatively low-ish dose) while on prep for the lead-up to comp. If you can eat enough and sleep enough then I'd say tren, if not then nandrolone for sure. 450/350/750 npp,tren,test was a great look. Felt Great. im doing EOD just for ease of pinning. Since then I. I can't run nandrolone solo i just look puffy but with mast or tren its great. I lost some cuts/veins (during this time i was around 10% body fat sitting at 205 5'8) in my arms, legs etc. Sides can be pretty bad tho. I want to get up to 50mg ED NPP, and as quick as possible but it’s my first experience with NPP and have to be cautious of the mental sides. The previous compound experience threads were fucking absurd. Anything is better than tren. Don't get me wrong, I love Tren, but the sleep and mental sides are overwhelming after about 4-6 weeks. Dick barely worked so I upped the test to 800 and dropped NPP down to 400. Ran both My question is whether I want to use Tren or NPP. But it gives me depression sides Test >> nandrolone for size if you ask me. And no you haven’t made insane progress and no the tren pct is not bro science lol. 500 test and 200 tren is a sensible use of tren in a bulking context and isn't going to register past night sweats and maybe some acid reflux and windedness in most. It doesn't matter how many ML you inject though it's based on the concentration. you need more dosing at the end of the cycle than the start, cos you're way less sensitive to the androgenic signalling at the end weeks. I think people are completely wrong about tren sides, completely wholistically wrong. Previous Tren Compound Experience Thread. Eating about 500-600cals over tdee and put on some nice lean size already and Im only on the first week of tren. On NPP some days are brutal to get up in the morning. Supposedly NPP, Deca, Anavar, and Primo at least all help with collagen/joints Tren and npp for size and bulking while staying a bit lean and joint management Mast as a dht derivative just to handle some of the E sides You're free to insult me if this sucks LMAO The dosages look fine, might up them by 20 or 30 each every week depending on the feel Pinning is ED Esters are : Test E tren A mast P Npp Ive been running tren at 100mg ED for a couple months. Joints. Lmfao. If you don’t want to do Ment (which I believe is one of the best compounds you can use) you can just do a Test/NPP/mast e cycle start to finish (mast e 400mgs a week). In my circle; everyone previously on tren has switched over and none of us plan on going back. Tren sides: Sweating, loss of appetite, horrid farts, sweating while eating, shortness of breath, insomnia, unable to cum during sex, high sex drive, high BP I was happy to come off of Tren, but it worked better and in shorter time than anything I've tried. Settled down at a consistent 10mg -- was an 8-week cycle. I’m strongly considering a low dose 200mg Tren to offset Fat and bloat attained during this NPP bulk cycle. Mild on health, you look fuller within the first 24 hrs. Im managing my e2 sides with aromasin and arimidex. Wiki Entry for Tren. I had massive results from test/NPP/Ment cycle. I do well with Tren, sides im debating between the 2. Gonna cruise on the test for 4-5 weeks after the tren runs out. For me; it’s very aesthetic. I started out doing strength training but quickly discovered I loved volume and bodybuilding style training. I've only done them both once but the tren definitly made bigger changes even with a lousy diet and workout regime. Ran NPP as part of my second cycle: 450 test, 315 npp, 245 mast. I felt full ALL DAY LONG. Inb4 grumble tren isnt 19-nor mumble grumble: . I'd love some growth but unfortunately can't afford it. If the question is purely "what will get me biggest?" then load up on 3 g test, 1g EQ, 1g Tren and 30iu/day of GH. Ran 200mg per week of test e with it. NPP comes 200mg/ml for me. 5mg adex/d 6 weeks of anadrol 100mg /d at personally loved the look. Since Mast isn't testosterone based, or a 19-Nor (as is NPP & Tren) they should all compliment well. Or check it out in throw out the pros and cons of Deca/NPP vs EQ Archived post. Npp makes my brain unhappy. Been only doing test cycles w some Anavar 50-100mg, im looking to bulk on my next cycle but don’t know whether I should go with , deca/npp or tren. That threshold for me seems to be 450mg+ per week. Deca @ 8 weeks 300mg and Tren @ 50-80mg/day for 8 weeks. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Strength is through the roof. front loading with an oral is stupid. Npp is going to give you more bang for your buck overall in my opinion, but can you handle the 19-nor sides? Daily at least EOD injections will help manage levels for lower sides. No exp with tren, I think in general its a bad idea though. Tren I like 250 tren/200 test. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. Felt like I could eat a ton of food and stay lean. I haven’t tried to push either higher. New comments cannot be posted and I'm gonna finish up another 10 weeks of Tren first then cruise till I try this: 24 weeks, 1000mg EQ/w 180mg test/w 0. The Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester has a elimination half-life of 8 days, which is roughly twice that of the Enanthate ester's 4. Internet Favorite bulk was 800 test, 735 npp, 700 tren e (+ 4iu hgh & different orals here and there) - put on an appreciable amount of good quality mass Next blast I'm planning on going high test & high eq Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. Well milligram for milligram you get more effect from MENT than Tren. I'll probably start off with npp for about 4 weeks then switch to Tren ace. AFA dosage goes ended up 100mg of tren is pretty much all I need and it's low enough to not fuck with sleep (too bad) and night sweats were there but not awful. I tried 100mg a week, was nice for joint relief. if you keep dosing lower, say 100-200 of tren e, then it can sit pretty background and not be too bad. I keep doses pretty low on everything. No difference whatsoever. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. anyway Sides: At higher doses, (20+mg/day) I would get a mild version of sides that people say they experience on tren. I've run up to 150mg ED until the sides became too pronounced for me (BP rise. I can run it for longer. And a lot more people who are curious about low-dose tren cycles. When I ran Tren I was managing a small amount of gyno almost the entire time even while using adex and then letro. I respond well and barely any sides. What is everyones experience? Im thinking tren might give me more solid gains. But I've been hearing conflicting information from some gym bros and some articles I found on the internet. 5 days. If you want to Run 100mg of Real Tren ED vs 100mg of NPP ED and you will feel less sides. I was thinking tren might produce more prolactin than deca in some cause you here more about people running into problems after they try tren more than deca, imo. How do these threads keep coming up? Deca vs Tren, NPP vs Tren, EQ vs Tren. Haven’t nuked my E2. Weeks 1-20 600 test Weeks 1-20 400 primo Tren = Homelander You got to remember that pros were getting pharma grade Tren back in the day so of course didn't take it at high doses. I don't notice any additional sides or water retention between 175-350 because I know how to use AI's, but some people I know how major problems with this and you may be one. I got some acne from an NPP cycle but nothing like the acne from a Tren cycle Both are easily erradicated with accutane. I feel like I can make more gains on 500 test than I can with 150 test + 350 NPP Or any other version of test solo vs test + npp where the total dosages are the same. I don't really rate NPP/Deca for cutting especially when other compounds are out there tren and mast are just too effective especially especially if fasting. Pretty much just really horny and confident on tren but pretty chill. I have thick skin so don't be shy (but try not to be a dick either). I would consider tbol or var for a first oral Reply reply I wouldn't call tren or trest similar other than both being strong af and progestins effect and use wise, fairly distinct yes, trest bloats me, bloats almost everyone, one of the worst there but thats easily enough managed with diuretics and good compound selection - tren relieves some of the bloat, for instance Why not both? Im on week 11 of a Test prop, NPP, and Tren Ace. The issue with using Tren in your case is that your going to dirty bulk. if it start playing with your digestive tract, so acid reflux, abdominal bloating, then that can contribute to feeling crap and not being able to eat That last statement is pretty bold, and so I'm going to have to try it for myself. s NPP for Bulking? but I did deca and it was great but it takes so much time to kick in so if I’ll do nandrolone I will probably do NPP Im planning my second cycle which is gonna be 500 Test (14-15 weeks) 300 NPP (12-13 weeks) and 40-50mg Var (8 weeks). It's a tradeoff, what you take has to take this into consideration. etc). I have little to no sides from these doses. So anyway, tren! I've been taking 5mg tren acetate per day along with 3mg test propionate per day. But my favorite is a mix of 100 Tren A, 100 NPP and 50 Dbol - that little a week on of a Test base at the last 8 weeks of a 20 week blast is an amazing finisher. MENT and Deca are pretty benign compared to tren. I've never seen any mention of tren increasing collagen or helping with joints. Both create prolactin, but when it comes to mature muscle gains. Everything I ever thought steroids would be like, Superdrol (and tren) really Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Test/NPP/Ment I gained 40lbs in 16 weeks (muscle memory for 30lbs of the 40lbs) 220lbs to 260lbs The NPP thought process came from guys telling me “If you like Deca you’ll love NPP” and my Test/Deca cycle 2 years ago was 1ML of Test and 1/2ML Deca per shot. I later ran tren with fin and although my hair got slightly thinner, it grew back after the tren cycle, unlike the npp, which directly chomped the right side of my hairline never to return. People run tren to cut and it's strong enough that they usually run really big caloric deficits. Did not get any tren like paranoia, but had some instances of very violent thoughts (note: only thoughts so this was probably still "mild"). Tren E vs Tren A . Please, discuss away. NPP Would be 8 weeks & Anadrol would be 6 weeks. If I do decide to go with Tren low dose I’ll drop there Sdrol. As far as esters I prefer long now that I know how my body reacts. Or check it out in the (Deca, NPP). Then at week 10 I dropped the NPP down to 100mg EOD and added the tren in at 50mg ED. I know this will piss people off but that youtuber Kai from Formula sec said NPP gives more size than Anadrol. stop it. Pin the prop ED - that's 71mg a day if it's just 100mg/mL. Anavar destroys my sleep worse than tren. For me Tren enlarges mammary tissue in my left pec, whether or not this is 19-nor prolactin related or not is besides the point since no one can come to a conclusive understanding one way or another. The goal of these threads is to gather a wide variety of user experiences and feedback. Also noticed Tren E makes the sleep sides far worse than Tren A. It gives you a look while ok and other compounds do the work. Go look at the tren experience threads from 2+ years ago. NPP was at 375npp/ 500 test. Don't use NPP if you aren't gonna cruise on test-solo for at least a year. That being one of the reasons. This week we are discussing Nandrolone vs Trestolone. I run primo or mast in every cycle and tbh I do on cruise often too and zero hair issues not even shedding. Hard on the liver. Thread starter lilweezy; Start date Nov 14, 2014; 1; 2 I understand this is a surface statement as some do have unique properties that can add synergism. For the first 9 weeks I ran the test at 50mg ED and the NPP at 150mg EOD. I run 350mg test with my Tren, at any dose. That trend getting to your head buddy, you shouldn’t cut it out. I think my 600/600 is kinda ballsy. Strength is down a rep or two. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Embed Go to steroids r/steroids • by [deleted] High tren low test vs high tren high test w AI . 100mg Tren > 300 mg Nand for strenght and drive in the gym. MENT is more suppressive than virtually any other AAS and will instantly crush LH/FSH as well as make most people temporarily infertile. I really don't have much use for NPP or Tren now, unfortunately, even took NPP off my list when I was buying raws and just forked over the extra cash for Trestolone :( I see no issue, you can run mast with it too to help with some tren sides. Your Worst Cycle (I assume theres some overlap between that thread and Tren) As always, read the entry in the wiki (if applicable) and follow the rules. Tren is the hardest compound I’ve ever used on my hairline. Both for 8 week and I’ll pin every day. Tell us how your overall experience was and the gains you made while on it compared to your lower doses of tren cycles and if it was worth it overall! I'll probably never take tren without running a DA along starting at the first pin because even 200/week tren E gave me problems. Running npp while on fin I didnt notice much shedding, but comparing pics before and after, npp definitely took a bite out of my hairline. Even at a lower dose, the tren blows nandrolen out of the water for me. Nandrolone makes me look full as hell though and doesn’t give me acne or oily skin like test. For those unaware, each week, we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. After that im thinking about bulking with NPP. Within 2 weeks of tren I’m shedding like a dog. I’m running 450 Test 450 NPP and 1000 EQ . But never used again. If I stick to prami for future runs I'd also probably dose preventatively for any 19-nor given the ramp up time, though I'm probably going to get some caber if I ever run deca, trest, etc. Either or works. Stayed very full, but didn't look sloppy. I just got done running NPP @ 500-700mgs per week and Test E at 900mgs per week. 750mg Test Cyp/300 Tren Ace/300 Masterone. 650 for the first 20 then 250 after Test, primo, dbol. I ran deca with test, npp with test, among other things. EQ goes up every 4 weeks. Il need 2 vials if I want to go higher & for 8 weeks. Gonna run it for another month or so to hopefully be cut down to 10% bf. I'm adding in 50mg var and 50mg oral winny per day also. Most the Tren now is underground labs and depending on the vender, you might be getting much less actual Tren in your vials than you think. Look at the drop of over 20% in blood levels between day 2 and 3 in figure 1 Npp vs. tren, the worst thing is usually sleep disruption which leads to being cranky as fuck. I apologize for this being such a basic question but I know it will get buried in the ask anything Currently running 500test, 500tren A, 500 NPP, 500 Bold I know there are many people using only low doses(100-250mg) of tren, instead of the usual 300-700mg/week. Tren and npp going up to 525 after 5-6 weeks. There seemed to have been some voter manipulation to get this to the top this week (STOP THE COUNT). Great gains, smooth joints, excellent nutrient partitioning. Here are the totals, just break it up into thirds to get quantity for each shot. It’s one of the most powerful injectables AAS available. Will cease in 2 weeks tho. I feel like a broken record but test and primo is better than basically anything. never felt better than when on NPP All my PRs were made with those two compared to anything else I’ve ran. pct was rough. Tren seems to also make me break out with body acne much worse than any other compound. Tried 200mg a week and loved that more. Primo, EQ, Mast work very mild (weaker than Npp or Test), but give me extreme low e2 sides even at low doses. Anyway, here's my plan. Trust me, a dirty bulk on Tren isn’t going to last long. Forums Now its time to de-load from the HST program during my 4 week cruise between Tren blasts, I'll take 1-2 weeks off completley then spend the rest of the cruise doing a high volume moderate weight bro-split: chest/tris legs back/bis Because a few people have asked: Trestolone thread is coming, i believe in 2 weeks, and next week should be tren. Issue you might run into is if you haven't run short esters, be prepared to be a pin cushion, I'll be pinning daily on my cycle and I'd expect you to do the same. Test probably staying the same Anadrol for weeks 5-9 and weeks 12-15 at 50-100mg a day depending on how i handle it. second time i ran the test 2 weeks longer (and upped it to 500mg/wk instead of 250, not sure if it makes a huge difference for only 2 weeks but w/e), went extremely well. My personal experience with these two comes from Tren and NPP its as follows: Tren 350/NPP 350. Ik tren is too harsh, but I heard deca gives more water weight. accutane is miracle shit and the side effects are way overblown. Example I’ve seen ppl run 200-400mg test and 300mg mast or 80 mg tren a WEEK body made better changes, growth, and get stronger than 1 gram test or 600 test/600npp. Tren is the best both for offseason and for pre-contest. I make sure there is at least 6 months between threads in case anyone is wondering how i plan it. When running Tren, it doesn't matter. Upper back also thickened very quickly. I this is blast 3 of tren. my joints feel like butter on NPP - heavy leg movements, pressing, etc. Tren with High Test vs Low Test. Seems like I get reverse effects between the 2. None of this is healthy and nandrolone may have its own problems which are not measurable, but I do not like the idea of dropping test low during a growth phase in favor of high tren. Tren can put me in tunnel vision and completely obsessive and unaware of the world around me. Good luck dirty bulking on Tren. Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Having NPP higher than your test dose will destroy libido for some. Reading through some reviews people are comparing it to tren with the bad sides mentally, some say they love it. I would be running either 200 test e / Test can work almost just as well as NPP for bulking, you just need to make sure you have diet right and training dialed in. This week’s Compound is: Trenbolone With Higher Test vs Lower Test. More so than any other compound imo and by a large margin. It will be different for everyone. Felt good, great strength but definitely a different look than tren n Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 10-20mg ED for 4 months and you will be missing a pimple to pop. What's people's opinions on npp vs ten acetate. I've taken between 250-650mg a week for 25 weeks. I havent heard anyone else compare the 2. I’ve never ran NPP so I was basing it off Deca. I personally love Deca on a bulking cycle and run it low dose for my trt between blasts. Tren works much better for me than npp for everything, and I don't have any depression or libido issues on it, just classic tren sweats and confidence boost at Keep your T at 1 gram, run 150-350 tren, & NPP @ 300-550 mg. It's scary. Honestly a great steroid in terms of look size strength joints etc. Are there any notable difference between Tren E and A besides timing? Can A be used just as effectively as E in a cutting cycle? comment Test,Npp&anvar. My dick came back to life but erection quality was not as good as it was before NPP was introduced. Maybe go with NPP since it’ll get out of your system faster if you don’t respond well. My side effects were the worst when I had Test/NPP dosed around the same (600Test/525NPP). I've run tren+npp, tren+deca and tren alone. Price wise - Anadrol is cheaper to run. but I was also running EQ at around a gram. My question is could I run 200mg npp weeks 1 to 5 for some added gains going into the tren? I know I could "do" anything but is it advisable to do Last week, I front loaded 900:900 test:primo and going with 420 a week for both for the reminder of the cycle. Ive never run deca or NPP before, so ive got some questions for you guys. Goes awesome with Var if you want to look extra aesthetic while basically 3D printing muscle on to your body. There's honestly little to no difference other than the half life. Compromised sleep, higher body temp, bad dreams. Plus, e2 is much easier to control on test than NPP NPP is my fav, I add it to every cycle. You commented back quite fast meaning your What’s your thought on npp, do you get paranoia and crazy intrusive thoughts? I plan on starting today, low dose 540/240 test/npp. Fwiw, I've been running tren since February and I get literally zero side effects from it. It was an interesting discussion and the gist of it was that subq effectively causes the compound to have a longer half life - it plateaus and stabilizes at a different rate than IM. Im doing 300mg npp and 450mg test per week right now. I know they are both 19 nor, and i will need to have Caber on hand for either, but I've never run nandrolone before. Tren I’m fine just on edge. Libido is up there but not at a pathologic level. Started off with 5mg and then slowly tapered up to 15mg while observing. Based on all the feedback on joint lubrication I was hoping deca would cure the elbow tendonitis I get from certain pressing movements and things like skullcrushers but nah, I still get pain if I go too hard on these. Everyone said Tren you can eat carbs and stay shredded but I would always bloat and get watery on Tren on anything more than low ass carbs. This week we are discussing Primo aka Methenolone. Traps and delts are immediately noticed for increase in size. Or check it out in the app stores Tren acetate v. Are you on npp or thinking about implementing it Test P 50mg/ Tren Ace 75mg/ Mast P 50mg and NPP 100mg ED. Why is it suggest I shoot Tren Ace every day? I'm currently on a 450mg test blast for next 15 weeks. This week we are discussing DHB vs Tren. Any advice on dosing and what to expect running tren With NPP you get the added joint lunricating benefits with the insane blown up full look without any crazy side effects and you can extend it 4-6 weeks longer than the Tren. 1g Deca and NPP are the same compound with a different ester attached. People were running 500mg tren and saying that’s the lowest they’d go. 2 weeks ago I added whinny at 100mg ED and it has dragged all moisture out of my skin made my pumps insane and the NPP is offsetting the joint issues I had last time I ran the whinny. Also I've heard 19-nors can decrease sexual function. I’ll take tudca, nac, and p5p while on just to play it safer. On big 3 now. Nandrolone gives me pretty intense irritability though. I used tren many moons ago. day 1: 150 test E, 50 tren, 50 npp day 2: 225 EQ, 50 tren 50 npp repeat. All three cycles were amazing once I got my mgs dialed in. This provides a useful archive for new users, and for experienced but this is exactly why Test Tren and Mast are considered the Holy Started at 400/400 test/deca, currently at 600/400 test/deca, about 8 weeks in. So when everythings all said and done I'll be at 560mg test p, 560mg npp, 350mg var, and 350mg winny per week. Tren is amazing at putting on lean size (pure muscle). Hard on the heart, ect. Have heard all tren horror stories but I don't get that from tren. I was just listening to an episode of the podcast Drugs and Stuff and they were discussing the difference in absorption/half life between subq and IM. I have a full head. . Zero negative sides for me with either one like this. It give me the look of tren without tren toxicity or sides and i feel amazing on it. Super full. Seems strange. jnlz gwrfro dwc jwexw klgiprp mbgtgl awx qpha dqirl zwzchtb ypghv djegxi jkgypg syxvi ylevut