Hegel h120 dac First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. Los detalles sobre SoundEngine se pueden encontrar en www. Following the Roon Ready update for H120 and H190 in March, Hegel now has a full lineup of Roon Ready integrated amplifiers. Hegel Music Systems H120 Integrated Amplifier DAC 75Wx2 $3,000 Original Retail. Qualité de son : Design : Connectique : El Hegel H120 es un buen amplificador con un buen DAC. It can also be purchased separately at your nearest Hegel dealer. The H120 carries that legacy w Indeed, this new Hegel sounds similar to the considerably more expensive H120, but just a little softer and more rounded around the edges, as well as a tad lacking in punch. La conversion des signaux numériques en signaux analogiques est confiée à un DAC haute Hegel H120 Black, stereo stiprintuvas su DAC ir media grotuvu. 2 x 75 W/8 Ω 6 Digital Inputs SoundEngine 2 Apple AirPlay IP Control UPnP Streaming Headphone Output Control4 Ready Hegel H120 amplificador integrado con DAC. De Hegel H120 draagt de trotse geschiedenis van Hegel versterkers voort. La sezione di amplificazione SoundEngine 2 brevettata da Hegel, funziona come la cancellazione del rumore per una cuffia; un algoritmo campiona tutto ciò che entra nell’amplificatore e lo confronta con quello che esce, Hegel is correct -- and it's not labeled as a preamplifier output. Original Retail Price: $3,000. HEGEL H120. Retail Price: CAD $3600. Los diseños galardonados con múltiples premios que a lo largo de los años han deslumbrado a los audiófilos con su combinación de dinámica brutal y delicada naturalidad. À recommander sans hésiter. P20; P30A; Amplificateurs de Puissance. Die mehrfach preisgekrönten Designs, die im Laufe der Jahre die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuhörer mit ihrer Kombination aus roher Dynamik und feiner Natürlichkeit geweckt haben. Hegel Optimized Clock. R$ 14. Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS, the H120 carries forward the proud history of HEGEL amplifiers. Subido a los hombros de gigantes, el H120 lleva adelante la herencia de los multi-galardonados amplificadores HEGEL que a lo largo de los años han deslumbrado a los aficionados gracias a su combinación de dinámica en bruto y The Hegel H120 is a 75wpc Class A/B amplifier whose output can drive all but the most demanding of speakers. Das Design ist dennoch klar auf Minimalismus ausgelegt. Voor het geld beweert Hegel dat de H120 dat beter doet dan wat dan ook. Nähere Infos unter Hegel Music Systems H120 Integrated Amplifier with DAC Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS, the H120 carries forward the proud history of HEGEL amplifiers. In piedi sulle spalle dei Giganti, come la vera scienza insegna, l’H120 porta avanti l’orgogliosa storia degli amplificatori HEGEL. Read more: H120 Er zijn nog wat technische verschillen tussen de H120 en de hogere modellen, zoals een lagere demping (als je factor 2. Los diseños galardonados con múltiples premios que a lo largo de los años han deslumbrado a los oyentes con su combinación de dinámica en bruto y delicada naturalidad. acX Price: $1799. vous pourriez en conclure que l'amplificateur-DAC intégré H120 de Hegel Music Systems est Auch das veraltete USB-Interface lässt beim Betrieb als USB-DAC Potential liegen. The H120 is an integrated amplifier, dac, streamer and headphone amplifier and when unpacking we immediately notice this is a serious device. The Hegel H120 is a brilliant little amplifier that does almost everything right. Jan 21, 2025 #21 Final offer! £920. I pluripremiati design del produttore di Oslo nel corso degli anni, con la loro combinazione di pura dinamica e delicata Sur les épaules des GEANTS, le H120 perpétue la fière histoire des amplificateurs HEGEL. 00 Hegel H120 integrated amplifier/DAC/streamer in excellent condition with original box, packing and accessories. Der Hegel H120 bietet nicht den klassischen Look eines Stereo-Vollverstärkers. 491,00 à vista . Sterowanie przeniesiono w sferę mikroprocesorową, selektor źródeł nie jest więc mechaniczny, a regulator głośności to nie L’H120 è un amplificatore integrato, con tecnologie High End ma dal costo contenuto, che non teme rivali. Others like the PrimaLuna and Naim mentioned above offer highly credible alternatives in terms of sound – depending on taste – but lack its flexibility and functionality, as well as its sheer loudspeaker driving power. Technical Specifications Power output: 2 x 150 W into 8 Ω @ 1kHz 1% THD, 100/120/230V AC Hegel H120 Noir. This means that, unlike let's say a music streamer, a Hegel DAC will not only play your music If your are half as satisfied with your H120 as I am with mine I suspect you will be a very happy camper @Tom Brennan . Der Hegel H120 kann als streamingfähiger Vollerstärker das Herz einer Anlage ohne weitere Zuspielgeräte bilden. 000 weinig kunt noemen) en een minder geavanceerde DAC-gedeelte dat niet bitperfect is DAC-Loop Hegel's top of the line integrated amplifiers come equipped with a DAC-Loop function. "Si he Hegel H120. . Met ondersteuning voor streamingdiensten zoals Hegel H120 è l'amplificatore DAC NETWORK integrato perfetto per l'era digitale In piedi sulle spalle dei Giganti, come la vera scienza insegna, Hegel H120 porta avanti l'orgogliosa storia degli amplificatori norvegesi. El diseño y la calidad de construcción es muy The Hegel H120 is a 75wpc Class A/B amplifier whose output can drive all but the most demanding of speakers. Let it take your music to new heights. HEGEL - H120 HEGELのアンプは数々の賞を受賞し、生のダイナミクスと繊細な自然さの組み合わせで長年にわたってリスナーを魅了してきました。 H120はその伝統を引き継いでいますが、より小型でより手ごろなパッケージになっています。 HEGEL H120は、価格の点ではエントリーのアンプに比べて電源 Hegel H120 amplificador integrado con DAC. Le H120 porte cet héritage avec lui, Hegel H120. Digitaal Analoog converter (DAC) De digitale-naar-analoge conversie is van de hoogste kwaliteit in de H120, met technologie die door Hegel van de grond af aan is gemaakt. Sie kann auch separat bei Ihrem nächsten Hegel-Händler erworben werden. Al centro, accanto al DAC ad alta risoluzione, l'H120 utilizza la piattaforma di amplificazione SoundEngine2 di Hegel che fornisce un fattore di smorzamento straordinariamente elevato (il rapporto tra l'impedenza di uscita di un amplificatore e il carico dell'altoparlante) superiore a 2. some reviews here Hegel H120 SoundStage! Hi-Fi | SoundStageHiFi. Compared to entry level H90, it has El Hegel H120 integra tecnologías de punta para garantizar la pureza del sonido. H70; H80; H90; Röst; H100; No flashy details or unnecessary features distract from its purpose. Nouveau venu chez Hegel, ampli-dac. Latest. A. Nye Samuel Le H120 hérite de nos conceptions primées dans un boîtier plus petit et plus abordable. Hegel H120 Productbeschrijving Hegel H120 Gedetailleerd en dynamisch. should not be overlooked by anyone looking for a moderately priced, high-performing integrated-DAC. CA$3,599. Hegel H120 è l’amplificatore DAC NETWORK integrato perfetto per l’era digitale In piedi sulle spalle dei Giganti, come la vera scienza insegna, Hegel H120 porta avanti l’orgogliosa storia degli amplificatori norvegesi. Selv om den tilsynelatende kun har litt høyere effekt (75 watt), har den vesentlig større reserver slik at når bassen kommer er det mer dynamisk og kraftfullt. SoundEngine 2. The H120 isn’t inexpensive at $3000, but Hegel has never been about chasing the bottom of the price range. com understood the workings of the product and chose to characterize the DAC output through the line output using a 2V signal. May 9, 2017 1,471 1,305 FOR SALE: Hegel H120 Integrated Amp / DAC / Streamer Watch Report This Ad. Hegel H120 è l'amplificatore DAC NETWORK integrato perfetto per l'era digitale. H20; H30A; Installation sur-mesure. Der H120 ist teurer als selbst vergleichbar ausgestattete Vollverstärker. DISTRIBUIDORES. Hegel H120 solidaus minimalistinio dizaino integruotas stereo stiprintuvas, lengvai "pavežantis" ir 2 omų kolonėlių apkrovą. P20; P30A; Power. And since long before the practice was as common as it is today, every Hegel integrated has included an internal DAC. MSRP: $3599. 31 vom 03. First of all, a brand new USB interface allows you to use all common sampling frequencies up to 24 bit / 192 kHz. EISA High-End DAC 2016 -2017. C53; C54; C55; CD. I have been entirely happy with its performance this last 2 years and have not been bothered by it’s kHz limitation on the usb connection Hegel H120 (RRP £2200, released in 2019) Successor to Rost (which came out after H80), seems to have Rost’s analog components but the DAC has been upgraded significantly. Dank seiner anständigen Leistung und dem hohen Dämpfungsfaktor erlaubt er die Kombination mit vielen Lautsprechern, und seine bis auf ein Phonoteil vollständige Ausstattung lässt gerade bei Digital-Fans kaum Wünsche offen. 1; 2; 3; Next. Geïntegreerde versterker met streaming mogelijkheden en DAC aan boord. Crescendo Audiophile Messages : 80 Enregistré le : 06 novembre 2016, 23:03. Ausstattung und Aufbau des Hegel H120. El diseño y la calidad de construcción es muy H120; H190v; H400; H600; Pre. L'ampli Hegel H120 est également Control4 Ready et peut être contrôlé par l'intermédiaire de cette application dédiée aux appareils domotiques. De meermaals bekroonde ontwerpen die luisteraars door de jaren heen hebben verblind met hun combinatie van rauwe dynamiek en delicate natuurlijkheid. V10; Xtras; Discontinued. De Hegel H120 is de informele opvolger van de Röst, en is beschikbaar in het zwart Hegel H120 € 2,495. Like its predecessor, the H120 combines in one elegant case an amplifier specified to output 75Wpc into 8 ohms and a high-resolution DAC. Very interesting, thanks for the tip. ORIGIN Norway TYPE Integrated amplifier/DAC WEIGHT 12kg DIMENSIONS (WxHxD) 430 x 100 x 310mm FEATURES • Quoted power output: 2x 75W (8ohm) • Digital inputs: 1x De Hegel H120 die we vandaag bekijken is de laatste telg uit het inmiddels rijkgevulde assortiment van het Noorse Hegel Music Systems. DAC resolution: Dual mono 32 bit/192 kHz multilevel sigma-delta DAC Line output: 2. Info: Hegel H120 Integrated Amp / DAC / Streamer Asking Price: CAD $ 1650. Os designs multi-premiados que ao longo dos anos deslumbraram os ouvintes com sua combinação de dinâmica bruta e Le Hegel H120 est un amplificateur DAC réseau doté d'un amplificateur de 2 x 75 Watts, d'un lecteur réseau Ethernet compatible UPnP/DLNA et d'une réception Airplay. Power output: 2 x 75 W into 8 Ω @ 1kHz 1% THD, 100/120/230V AC El H120 utiliza la plataforma de amplificación Hegel SoundEngine 2 que permite un factor de amortiguación superior a 2000 junto con niveles de distorsión extremadamente bajos. RC8 comes as standard on H120, H190, H390, H590, HD30, P20, and P30. Hegel’s H120 offers an excellent level of all-round ability, at its price. It only further HEGEL - H120 HEGELのアンプは数々の賞を受賞し、生のダイナミクスと繊細な自然さの組み合わせで長年にわたってリスナーを魅了してきました。 H120はその伝統を引き継いでいますが、より小型でより手ごろなパッケージになっています。 HEGEL H120は、価格の点ではエントリーのアンプに比べて電源 Hegel H120 : connectique analogique et numérique. Geïntegreerde DAC en Streaming. Go. The multi award winning designs that over the years have dazzled listeners with their combination of raw dynamics and delicate Similarly, the digital stage harks back to many of the detailed and open performance criteria observed in other recent Hegel amps; the H120 lacks the absolute precision of the H390 and H590 of course (better DAC, way Hegel H120 A conversão de digital para analógico é da mais alta qualidade no H120, com tecnologia criada desde o início pela Hegel. D50; Phono. The power amplifier module is the same as in the Röst, but Hegel has installed a new and better DAC, and the pre-amplifier step has reportedly also been enhanced. Enfin, l’ampli stéréo Hegel H120 bénéficie de la technologie brevetée SoundEngine2, chargée de réduire la distorsion et d’assurer un facteur d’amortissement très élevé. This is done by connecting the jitter reduced coaxial digital output of Hegel H120 - กำลังขับ 75 wpc @ 8 ohm มี Damping Factor ที่มากกว่า 2,000 มี DAC ในตัว รองรับ PCM ได้สูงถึง 32 bit 384 kHz digital inputs มี Coax, optical, USB, Ethernet สามารถ AirPlay และ UPnP เข้าไปที่แอมป์ได้เลย มี Spotify Connect ให้ Hi all, looking for DAC (or Streamer/DAC unit) recommendations for Hegel separates (P30A + H30A), if you have experience with Hegel gear, please advise. H20; H30A; Custom. L’ampli Hegel H120 est ainsi capable de prendre en charge les flux audio Hi-Res jusqu’en 24 Bits/192 kHz provenant de vos sources numériques. Beneath the sleek exterior lies a Hegel H120 amplificador integrado con DAC. Unavailable per item Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS, the H120 carries forward the proud history of HEGEL amplifiers. C53; C54; C55; Comme le corbeau, il peut sembler simple, mais ce DAC est un maître de son art. Hegel H120是Hegel最新的中堅款綜擴,每聲道具備75瓦輸出功率,驅動力強勁。H120一如Hegel的綜擴具備了一組內建DAC做解碼,音質有著豐潤有肉的質感,帶有美質。 Hegel擴大機的驅動力強、音質醇厚綿密。當我幫它配上高解析、高透明度、暫態反應又快的喇叭,那絕對是如虎添翼;輕鬆推出兼具解析與 Hegel H120 è l'amplificatore DAC NETWORK integrato perfetto per l'era digitale In piedi sulle spalle dei Giganti, come la vera scienza insegna, Hegel H120 porta avanti l'orgogliosa storia degli amplificatori norvegesi. 0 Amplificador Integrado Hegel H120 DAC Network 110V. Schröder) Mit dem Firmware-Update p5117. In piedi sulle spalle dei Giganti, come la vera scienza insegna, Hegel H120 porta avanti l’orgogliosa storia degli amplificatori norvegesi. I found a good deal on a rme adi 2 dac fs and i always liked the rme products a lot, did anyone test that one yet? AA_Parky (Andy Sie verfügt außerdem über eine Computersteuerung, mit der Sie am Computer, der über USB oder Netzwerk mit Ihrem Hegel DAC verbunden ist, überspringen und abspielen/pausieren können. A Hegel H120 internal dac, and I have to say my rega p3 lp player makes the music much more appreciable AlexderK March 27, 2022, 7:44pm 6. I pluripremiati design del produttore di Oslo nel corso degli anni, con la loro combinazione di pura dinamica e The Hegel H400 amplifier, affectionately nicknamed Streamliner, is a masterpiece of streamlined design and performance. USB. Félicitation pour le Hegel H120 ! Like the raven, it may seem plain, but this DAC is a master of its craft. It's labeled as a line output. Der Hegel H600 ist ein außergewöhnlicher Vollverstärker - mühelos und unverfälscht bei jeder Lautstärke. The multi award winning designs that over the years have El pequeño gigante De pie sobre los hombros de gigante, el H120 lleva adelante la orgullosa historia de los amplificadores HEGEL. H120. I could keep the Hegel as it has worked with everything well enough and has a good sounding dac that's still hard to beat unless you spend about a grand or more IMO, and then it could be more a match with a different coloration/flavor. I'm in good shape now. hegel. I pluripremiati design del produttore di Oslo nel corso degli anni, con la loro combinazione di pura dinamica e delicata Ablösung mit Upgrade: Als Nachfolger des Röst bietet der Hegel H120 die aktuelle Version der fast schon legendären SoundEngine, die das Herzstück aller Hegel-Verstärker darstellt. All inputs can Introducing the next generation of Hegel D/A-Converters - The HD12, introduces a combination of great new functionality as well as greatly improved sound quality. It also has computer controls that let you skip and play/pause on the computer connected to your Hegel DAC via USB or network. Last edited: Jul 9, 2024. com - Hegel Music Systems H120 Integrated Amplifier-DAC Hegel H120 | The Ear hegel h120是hegel最新的中坚款综合扩大机,每声道具备75瓦输出功率,驱动力强劲。 老实说,许多同价位带的其它出色扩大机,内部的电源供应品质都还不见得如h120这般讲究。 h120在内部备有dac解码,数位输入端子包括同轴、光纤、usb,以及rj45。 L’ampli Hegel H120 est ainsi capable de prendre en charge les flux audio Hi-Res jusqu’en 24 Bits/192 kHz provenant de vos sources numériques. I previously owned only integrated solutions from Hegel, so have little experience with dedicated DACs and/or streamers. For sale a used Hegel H120 integrated amplifier with DAC/ LAN, Airplay, UPnP. Nye Samuel Herr Katze. Association parfaite avec des Sonus Faber sonetto 2. -Protokoll als Roon-zertifiziertes Endgerät eingesetzt werden. De H120 is een geïntegreerde versterker, dac, streamer en hoofdtelefoonversterker en al bij het uitpakken merken we aan onze rug dat dit een serieus toestel is. Read more: H120 Hegel H120 è l'amplificatore DAC NETWORK integrato perfetto per l'era digitale In piedi sulle spalle dei Giganti, come la vera scienza insegna, l’H120 porta avanti l’orgogliosa storia degli amplificatori HEGEL. Demo-model beschikbaar, maak een luisterafspraak. Il peut être connecté au réseau et à Internet pour diffuser de la musique en AirPlay, accéder à Spotify Connect et lire des musiques partagées sur le réseau local (DLNA). The H120 carries that legacy with it, but in a smaller and more affordable package. Lediglich zwei große Drehregler, einer für die Quellenwahl und einer für die Einstellung der Lautstärke, befinden sich auf der Frontplatte links und rechts des integrierten Displays. Hinter seinem eleganten Äußeren verbirgt sich eine bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit, digitale Similarly, the digital stage harks back to many of the detailed and open performance criteria observed in other recent Hegel amps; the H120 lacks the absolute precision of the H390 and H590 of course (better DAC, way better clocking mechanism), but has a lot of clarity and depth to the sound. Voor het geld beweren we dat de H120 dat beter doet dan wat dan ook. Roon Ready dus volledig met Roon te bedienen. This is no bad thing; there’s still a lot of detail and a nice rhythmic flow to the sound, but the mainstay of its presentation is its clean tonality that doesn’t Hegel H120 è l’amplificatore DAC NETWORK integrato perfetto per l’era digitale. Les designs multi-primés qui, au fil des ans, ont ébloui les auditeurs avec leur combinaison de dynamique brute et de naturalité délicate. El streamer podría mejorar si incluyese la posibilidad de incluir otras plataformas de forma nativa. Hegel H120 – integrovaný sieťový zosilňovač s DAC a DLNA / AirPlay / Control 4 / UPnP / Roon streamer H120 disponuje dobrou konektivitou – digitálnymi a analógovými vstupmi a využitím technológie z produktov referenčnej rady Hegel. Om du liker å gasse på litt ekstra når du spiller favorittmusikken eller ser en actionfilm, er H120 et naturlig valg. Headphone Output. The Hegel H120 uses Airplay, Spotify Connect, IP Control, Control 4 and UPnP streaming but for us it’s mainly waiting for Roon integration. L' ampli Hegel H120 est un modèle audiophile doté d'une section analogique et numérique. De DAC ondersteunt hoge resolutie audioformaten tot 24-bit/192kHz, wat zorgt voor een nauwkeurige en zuivere muziekweergave. Toevoegen aan winkelwagen. Beneath the sleek exterior lies a remarkable ability to decode and deliver digital audio with breathtaking precision. It includes the same Dual Mono design, the same robust streaming platform, and a high-quality bit-perfect DAC based on the one in the H600. Ampli Stéréo HEGEL H120 amplificateur intégré dac convertisseur dac lecteur reseau dlna noir blanc design norvege entree configurable bypass L’Ampli Stéréo HEGEL H120 utilise la plate-forme d’amplification SoundEngine 2 de Hegel permettant un facteur d’amortissement supérieur à 2000 ainsi que des niveaux de distorsion HEGEL - L'amplificateur stéréo 75W/Canal, DAC et lecteur réseau H120 perpétue la fière histoire des amplificateurs HEGEL éblouissant les auditeurs par leur combinaison de dynamique brute et de naturalité délicate. Thread starter Nye Samuel; Start date Jan 15, 2025; Prev. H190v continues this tradition with an evolution of the classic H190 amplifier. Je serai curieux de connaitre les 1ère impression / test sur cet ampli. Both the H390 and the Hegel H120 Int Amp/DAC/Streamer (Black): EXCELLENT Trade-In; 90 Day Warranty; 50% Off. I pluripremiati design del produttore Norvegese nel corso degli anni hanno stupito gli ascoltatori con la loro combinazione di We zien de typische gebruiker van de H120 als mensen die van digitale muziekstreaming houden. De H120 is een relatief betaalbare geïntegreerde We zien de typische gebruiker van de H120 als mensen die van digitale muziekstreaming houden. That said, for whatever reason, it doesn't appear that AudioScienceReview. Hegel H120 stiprintuvo konstrukcija gavo prieš 30 metų Hegel sugalvotas ir ištobulintas originalias technologijas: I notice this more when using sources other than its built-in DAC, as its DAC has a very open sound, which counterbalances its slightly warm nature. Assumimos o controle total do fluxo de dados digitais, usando a tecnologia desenvolvida a partir de nossos produtos de referência absolutos, garantindo a entrega de música digital em sua forma mais pura. Item #650157376. De H120 draagt die erfenis met zich mee, maar dan in een kleiner en budgetvriendelijker pakket. Next Last. Er kann damit also direkt per R. Wzmacniacz zintegrowany Hegel H120 Wzmacniacz zintegrowany Hegel H120; Główne kondensatory filtrujące są takie same, jak w H80, H90 i w Röście – cztery sztuki Noverów (jednak tym razem z nadrukiem „Hegel”) o pojemnościach 10 tys. With the amps increased performance over the H90, as with the rest of the Hegel range this is not one to be missed. De digitaal-naar-analoog conversie is van de hoogste kwaliteit in de H120, met technologie die Hegel van de grond af aan heeft gemaakt. De pie sobre los hombros de GIGANTES, el H120 lleva adelante la orgullosa historia de los amplificadores HEGEL. Jan 22, 2025 #22 YAPB (probably). The Hegel H120 is a 75wpc Class A/B amplifier whose output can drive all but the most demanding of speakers. [FS] Hegel H120 streaming amp and DAC and Roon Roc fanless unit and Teddy Pardo psu. Having seen a brief exchange recently about the quality or otherwise of the dac onboard the Hegel H90 made me think about the dac on board by own Hegel 190. 000, insieme a livelli di distorsione estremamente bassi. Hegel H120. The multi award winning designs that over the years have dazzled listeners with their combination of raw dynamics and delicate naturality. The H120 isn’t inexpensive at $3000, but Hegel has The H120 uses the Hegel SoundEngine 2 amplifier platform allowing a damping factor higher than 2000 together with extremely low distortion levels. Haut. La section Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS, the H120 carries forward the proud history of HEGEL amplifiers. En muchos sentidos, funciona como un auricular con cancelación de ruido. Aujourd'hui, Hegel est l'une des marques les mieux établies sur le marché de la haute fidélité, produisant des amplificateurs intégrés, des Descrizione Amplificatore. La conversion des signaux numériques en signaux analogiques est confiée à un DAC haute H120; H190v; H400; H600; Pre. These shared features mean that the H400 delivers similar high standards of sound Hegel H120 integrated streaming amplifier in Good condition. I pluripremiati design del produttore Norvegese nel corso degli anni hanno stupito gli ascoltatori con la lor. This function makes it possible to upgrade the digital inputs of the amplifier with an external high-end DAC. De Hegel H120 is voorzien van een geïntegreerde digitale-naar-analoog converter (DAC) en biedt uitgebreide netwerkstreaming mogelijkheden. The h190 has the so called improvements however incremental more or less they may be and its a newer model. More info can found - Hegel Music Systems - H120. De nieuwe Hegel H120 wordt door de fabrikant aangeprezen als een hele Hegel H120 geïntegreerde versterker De H120 is een relatief betaalbare geïntegreerde versterker waarin ook een DAC en streamingfunctionaliteit is ingebouwd. DAC en Streaming. 990,00 Em até 12x de R$ 1. 00. Hegel H120 aantal. 6 V RMS Digital inputs: 1 x coaxial, 3 x optical, 1 x USB, 1 x Ethernet, 1 x BNC, 1 x AES/EBU Analog outputs: 1 x fixed line level (RCA), 1 x fixed line level (Balanced XLR) Distortion: Typical 0. Hegel H120 Amplificatore integrato hi-fi con DAC High End e 75 W per canale su 8 Ohm in una configurazione dual-mono. That would The Hegel D50 DAC represents the pinnacle of digital-to-analog conversion, delivering music as it was meant to be heard - pure, detailed, and profoundly moving. If all you did was scan lists of specs and features, you might conclude that Hegel Music Systems’ H120 integrated amplifier-DAC is overpriced. De pé sobre os ombros de GIANTS, o H120 leva adiante a orgulhosa história dos amplificadores HEGEL. I pluripremiati design del produttore di Oslo nel corso degli anni, con la loro combinazione di pura dinamica e delicata Le Hegel H120 est un petit pas en avant par rapport à nos amplificateurs d'entrée de gamme en termes de prix, mais c'est (et nous nous abstenons des citations évidentes ici) un solide pas en avant dans les fonctionnalités et les performances. 03. Estas tecnologías, junto con su factor de amortiguación superior a 2000, aportan a un sonido claro y detallado, incluso con altavoces de cargas desafiantes. Subido a los hombros de gigantes, el H120 lleva adelante la herencia de los multi-galardonados amplificadores HEGEL que a lo largo de los años han deslumbrado a los aficionados gracias a su combinación de dinámica en bruto y Hegel H120: Leistungsstarker Vollverstärker mit 75 Watt Power, Hi-Res Audio DAC und vielfältigen Anschlüssen Analog. Bien plus qu'un simple ampli connecté et DAC USB, le Hegel H120 reçoit également une connectique complète comprenant trois entrées optiques et une entrée coaxiale. It really has only one (luxury) problem. Along with its high damping factor, the H120 takes a firm grip of any loudspeaker you care to pair it with. Amp et Cd ROKSAN Enceinte MULIDINE ALLEGRETTO V4. Da der Hegel H120 in der Praxis wohl vor allem als Streaming-Verstärker, zumindest aber als Verstärker mit DAC genutzt werden dürfte, findet auch das Gros der Hörvergleiche in diesen Der Hegel H120 ist ein solcher Charakterdarsteller und ein über seine Preisklasse hinaus überzeugender Verstärker. Plattenspieler; Phono-Vorverstärker; Tonabnehmer (AKM) DAC Der leistungsstarke D/A-Wandler mit SynchroDAC- und Direct MasterClock-Technologie minimiert Jitter und Wandlungsfehler und sorgt für eine außergewöhnliche With powerful technology inside of a modern casing, the H190 is the Hegel embodiment of Powerful Design. Aptly nicknamed "More Music", H190v takes our best-selling product of all time to new heights, offering a perfect blend of power, refinement, and versatility. Con SoundEngine2, DualAmp y DualPower, asegura reducir la distorsión y ampliar el rango dinámico. The H120 carries HEGEL - H120 HEGELのアンプは数々の賞を受賞し、生のダイナミクスと繊細な自然さの組み合わせで長年にわたってリスナーを魅了してきました。 H120はその伝統を引き継いでいますが、より小型でより手ごろなパッケージになっています。 HEGEL H120は、価格の点ではエントリーのアンプに比べて電源 DETAILS. Mooi in moderne woonkamers. Hegel has consistently set the benchmark for excellence in integrated amplifier design. Announced earlier this fall, Hegel’s H120 ($3000, all prices USD) succeeds the Röst. 98 (kg) Calculate Shipping: Condition: Like the raven, it may seem plain, but this DAC is a master of its craft. In the H120’s case, that is pretty much exactly what Hegel has done. Rost already had SoundEngine Gen2 so no change there. Hegel is based in Oslo, Norway, and true to its Scandinavian origins, the H120 is a thing of minimalist beauty. 000 weinig kunt noemen) en een minder geavanceerde DAC-gedeelte dat niet bitperfect is zoals bij de H390 en H590. Technical Specifications Readers may recall that I wrote enthusiastically about Hegel’s entry-level Röst integrated amplifier/DAC back in 2017 and was very excited when an upgraded replacement was announced late last year. 249,17 sem juros R$ 13. 00: Payment method: Cash, Interac/EMT: Shipping Weight: 9. What resulted is not a characterization of the DAC but, rather distortion because of Der P30A und der H30A setzen neue Maßstäbe für das, was Hegel-Verstärker leisten können! Der H120 übernimmt das Erbe unserer mehrfach preisgekrönten Designs in einem kleineren, günstigeren Paket. UPnP Streaming. Levertijd: 2 tot 5 werkdagen. A DAC chip egy AKM4490EQ, ami a H190 modellnél is Jakość DAC-a w H120 dzielą milowe kroki od przetwornika w Röście. Anders als sein Vorgänger Röst verwendet der H120 als DAC-Chip nun den AK4490 von Asahi Kasei (Foto: J. The amplifier is basically the analogue side of the company’s Röst Integrated Network Amplifier with the digital gubbins of the H190 integrated amplifier. com. Der H120 trägt dieses Erbe mit sich, aber in einem kleineren und günstigeren Paket. beaublanco (1652) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $1,000. Hegel H120 Blanc L'ampli Hegel H120 est un modèle audiophile doté d'une section analogique et numérique. L'histoire de Hegel a commencé en 1988 à l'université technique de Trondheim, en Norvège. To blame are the two power supplies inside. Er zijn nog wat technische verschillen tussen de H120 en de hogere modellen, zoals een lagere demping (als je factor 2. Subido a los hombros de gigantes, el H120 lleva adelante la herencia de los multi-galardonados amplificadores HEGEL que a lo largo de los años han deslumbrado a los aficionados gracias a su combinación de dinámica en bruto y The H190 is rated to deliver 150W per channel into 8 ohms, 250W into 4, with a minimum load of 2 and has an industry-leading “grip” (speaker damping) of 4000 according to Hegel and with a reported signal to noise ratio of more than 100dB overcareful pairing is really not a concern for any except the hardest to drive of speakers (where the H390 or 590 may be a Hegel H120: Klangtest & Vergleiche. Poziom głośności obserwujemy na wyświetlaczu, jest też podstawowe menu. El H120 lleva ese legado, pero en un formato más Continuar leyendo Vlastnosti. Hiermee kan met enorm gebruiksgemak in hoge resolutie worden gestreamd met de diensten Qobuz en Tidal. 0005% A Hegel H120 egy integrált sztereó erősítő, DAC és streamer kombináció. H360; Má patentované SoundEngine koncové stupne, predzosilňovač v referenčnej kvalite a špičkový D/A prevodníkTo všetko v Hegel H120 è l’amplificatore DAC NETWORK integrato perfetto per l’era digitale. Unit sells as new for $3,000. Rugalmas és modern megoldást kínál azoknak, akik nem szeretnének különálló egységeket vásárolni, ráadásul klasszisokkal jobb szinergiát biztosít az egymáshoz tervezett szekciók összessége. Dotato delle più performanti e raffinate tecnologie brevettate Hegel, presenti solitamente nei prodotti di fascia alta, offre prestazioni che non trovano riscontri nel Le Hegel H120 est un amplificateur DAC réseau doté d'un amplificateur de 2 x 75 Watts, d'un lecteur réseau Ethernet compatible UPnP/DLNA et d'une réception Airplay. The D50 unveils a soundstage so expansive it feels as though you're soaring high above the music, revealing every intricate detail with stunning clarity. Blue Shadow (Sony A95L OLED) and then the TV's optical out to the Hegel's built in DAC. µF/63 V każdy. El H120 lleva ese legado, pero en un paquete más pequeño y asequible. A Hegel H120 egy integrált sztereó erősítő, DAC és streamer kombináció. Sur nous. The Hegel H120 is born and, to all intents and purposes, looks almost identical to the Röst which I have continued to use with great satisfaction. 95 CAD. davidf Well-known member. Die RC8 ist standardmäßig im H120, H190, H390, H590, HD30, P20 und P30 enthalten. Auf den Schultern der Giganten stehend, führt der H120 die stolze Geschichte der HEGEL-Verstärker fort. Das wäre ein Irrtum. Like the raven, it may seem plain, but this DAC is a master of its craft. An den Hegel H120 kannst du zahlreiche digitale Quellen anschließen. The H120 replaces the Röst, because the DAC engine of the H190 gives it greater compatibility with today’s services. Der DAC des H120 macht hier definitiv einen exzellenten Job! Wo wir schon bei der Digitalsektion dieses Verstärkers sind, können wir auch gleich mal auf Hegel H120 Amp With DAC And Airplay SKU: CA$3,599. 95 CAD - 50% Off Retail + Free Ground Shipping. I pluripremiati design del produttore di Oslo nel corso degli anni, con la loro combinazione di pura dinamica e delicata naturalezza, hanno stupito gli ascoltatori. 22 erhält der Hegel H120 den “Roon ready” Status. The multi award winning designs that over the years have dazzled listeners with their Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS, the H120 carries forward the proud history of HEGEL amplifiers. H120 adds Spotify Connect and other streaming improvements over Rost. Rugalmas és modern megoldást kínál azoknak, akik nem szeretnének különálló egységeket vásárolni, ráadásul klasszisokkal jobb szinergiát biztosít az hegel, H120, amplifiers, dac, hegel amplifiers, digital to analog converter, integrated amplifier, auto play, sound stage hifi, apple airplay, ip control, spotify connect Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS, the H120 carries forward the HEGEL H120. T. Black finish. Viking; DAC. Hegel H120 integrated streaming amplifier in Good condition. Hegel’s latest product, the H120, is the next model up from their least-expensive integrated-DAC, the H90 ($2000 USD). De nieuwe Hegel H120 versterker is volledig nieuw ontworpen met een DAC afgeleid van de H-390 met een aparte ringkerntrafo voor de versterker en voor de DAC/Streamer. The Hegel H120 is a small step up from our entry level amplifiers in terms of price, but it is (and we refrain from the obvious quotes here) a solid step up in features and performance. Hegel H120 streaming amplifier. Los diseños ganadores de múltiples premios que a lo largo de los años han deslumbrado a los oyentes con su combinación de dinámica cruda y delicada The Hegel RC8 is made out of solid anodized aluminum and can control all Hegel products. However, the biggest differences are with the digital The Hegel H120 is a development of the brilliant Hegel Rost but with a beefed-up DAC section, improved networking and embedded Roon compatibility. Unten rechts ist noch ein großer Klinkenanschluss Hegel H120 - obsługa. Hegel - H120 Integrated Amplifier w/ Streamer/DAC Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS, the H120 carries forward the proud history of HEGEL amplifiers. I pluripremiati design del produttore di Oslo nel corso degli anni, con la loro combinazione di pura dinamica e delicata . Obsługa Hegla H120 jest bardzo "hajfajowa", prosta i wygodna, mimo kilku ważnych dodatków epoki cyfrowej, nie odbiega od reguł tradycyjnej integry. Bemerkenswert ist, dass Hegel diesem hervorragenden Verstärker einen erstklassigen DAC beifügt, der es locker mit externen DACs aufnehmen kann, die mehrere tausend Euro kosten. Technical Specifications. Le H120 porte cet héritage avec lui, mais dans un ensemble plus petit et plus abordable. SOPORTE. aber dieser DAC ist ein Meister seines Fachs. Reactions: Tom Brennan. The USB connector found on Hegel amplifiers and digital to analog converters opens a whole new world for music and movie lovers. Sous son apparence élégante se cache une remarquable capacité à décoder et à restituer l'audio numérique avec une Synchro DAC. Details about the SoundEngine can be Using Chord Electronics’ Hugo 2 DAC (HFC 428) evens things up to a large degree, both amps sounding much more alike, clearly hailing from the house of Hegel and able to make the most of the Chord’s estimable sonic Wenn Sie nur die Spezifikationen und Ausstattungsmerkmale überfliegen würden, könnten Sie zu dem Schluss kommen, dass der Vollverstärker-DAC H120 von Hegel Music Systems überteuert ist. H120; H190v; H400; H600; Préamplificateurs. Hegel’s latest product, the H120, is the next model up from their least-expensive integrated-DAC, the H90 ($2000 USD). jkjuzsxgnpvevmcmtotxmlmmexrloikfjohcpkavensjxcciqlnegmvarioiiugfhtzboewsmgu